Trilogy of "Christ in His Suffering"
by Klaas Schilder
The author of this volume on the suffering of our Redeemer ought
to become well known in English-speaking countries. He is one of the most talented theologians of his day in the
Netherlands. He is a deep thinker and an author whose writing are scintillating. They abound in paradoxes, which
may not always be easily understood at first, but when thought through, like the well-beaten oil of the sanctuary
they bring about keen intellectual satisfaction, discover new exegetical treasures in the Book of Books, and cause
the reader to admire the exegetical keenness of Dr. K. Schilder.
. . . He has published several books, the chief of which are three volumes on the Suffering of our Lord. Each of
these three books is complete in itself. The first one describes the suffering of the Lord Jesus in its initial
stages, ending with the Garden of Gethsemane. The second covers the Lord's passion, till He was condemned to be
crucified. The third one relates His suffering from the last named stage, ending with a chapter about His
- from the Foreword of August 19, 1937 by Dr. Henry Beets
His three volumes on the passion of Christ, still in print in this
country, are landmark works. The only thing wrong with reading them, you know you will never read anything like
them again.
- R.J. Rushdoony, as quoted in Faith for all of Life of July/August 2014
Christ In His Suffering
Trilogy Set for US$59.95
#1 Christ In His Suffering
Price: US$24.95
#2 Christ on Trial
Price: US$24.95
#3 Christ Crucified
Price: US$24.95
Christ In His Suffering
Trilogy Set for US$59.95
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