Subject: Social Reform
Time: 1856-1920 Age: 18-99
ISBN 978-0-921100-89-2 Retail Price: US$6.95
Johannes C. Sikkel: A Pioneer in Social Reform by R.H.
Christian Answers for Labour Unions, Capital and Labour, The Place
of Women in Society, etc.
The prophetical character of Sikkel's work lies, in
the first place, in his Scriptural evaluation of the socialistic ideal of society. He discerned its anti-Christian
character, which aimed to make the state all powerful. This criticism remains valid over against the neo-Marxists
of today.
In the second place, Sikkel's prophetical spirit
becomes evident in his struggle for a vision of a society in which the antithesis between capital and labour is
taken away through the establishment of enterprise as an organic community. The Christian commandment to love one's
neighbour is Sikkel's driving force here. This love for one's neighbour demands that social warfare be settled and
peace be restored by means of consultation between capital and labour.
In the third place, Sikkel's zeal for a Scriptural
appreciation of labour as something which belongs to man's task as God's image bearer is of great importance.
Labour is not, in the first place, a matter of wages but of fulfilling one's God-given task. The question of wages
should be viewed from that perspective.
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Seperation of Church and State