My Path to Liberation
by Rev. Douwe Van Dijk
Reflections on My Life
in the Ministry of the Word of God
Rev. Van Dijk’s memoir highlights
the changes that he witnessed in his life and — in some cases — helped to bring about. The most
dramatic of them, to which he devotes considerable attention, is what he calls the Liberation. The
term "liberation" as used here will be unfamiliar to many readers of this book. Rev. Van Dijk and
others use it to refer not so much to the church struggle of the 1940s in the Netherlands as to the
outcome of that struggle, namely, that churches which had labored under illegitimate authority
(often referred to as the "synodical yoke") broke free of the tyranny of that authority and again
exercised the liberty that is theirs in Christ. What Rev. Van Dijk wishes to communicate is that
the struggle was painful and deplorable, but in the end something wondrous was
As he tells his story, Rev. Van
Dijk describes his personal journey. In emphasizing the changes between how things were then and
how they are now, he also explains how his own thinking changed during his years in the ministry.
And so his memoir can be characterized as an account of the route he took to reach the Liberation
in which he participated, together with so many other Reformed believers in the
1890-1960 Age: 16-99
ISBN 978-0-921100-26-4
Price: US$19.95