1930-1940 Age: 13-99
ISBN 978-1-984666- Retail Price: US$11.95
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E-Book Edition US$7.95
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#1 Little White Farm House in Iowa by Carol Brands
The First 10 Years
Comments from Readers on Book 1“ . . . a wonderful book . . .
spiritually uplifting . . . warm human insight and nostalgia . . . delightful reading as I recovered from hip
surgery. I’d like to order four more copies . . .” — Middle-aged female reader from O’Fallen, IL —
“This is no sappy, quasi-Christian literature; this is the real deal.
. . the proverbial diamond in the rough . . . I am going to see that the library at Heritage Christian
School, where my children are enrolled, has several copies . . .” — Tom Bergman, editor, Perspectives, Spring issue 2012
“. . . One of the finest Christian books I’ve read for young people .
. .” — Prof. Ron Cammenga, professor in PRCs’ seminary, MI
“If only it could be circulated as widely as Laura Ingalls Wilder’s
Little House on the Prairie.” — Herman Otten, editor, Christian News, April 16, 2012
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View the First Chapter

Subject: World War II
Time: 1940-1945 Age: 13-99
ISBN 978-1-984666-39-8 Retail Price: US$11.95
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E-Book Edition US$7.95
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#2 Little Yellow Farm House in Iowa by Carol Brands
Years Eleven through Seventeen:
World War II Years
When the Kroontje family moved into their second tiny house, they had
no idea that within months of their move Uncle Bill Tilstra would be assigned to the USS Arizona, the first ship Japan bombed in Pearl
Harbor. Nor did they know that three of Uncle Bill's ships would be destroyed – but that he would be spared from death in ways
that were clearly God's providential care . . . yet so horrific that he hated talking about the
While war loomed in the background, Uncle Bill always on the family's
mind, Katherine's farm life continued with a mixture of stories – some humorous, some serious, some full of
neighborliness, some with tragedy.
Join the Kroontje family — living daily life on an Iowa farm even
while World War II is being fought across the oceans.
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Index View the First

Subject: Katherine Kroontje
Time: late 1940s Age: 13-99
ISBN 978-1-984666-40-4 Retail Price: US$11.95
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E-Book Edition US$7.95
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#3 Strangers in Minnesota by Carol Brands
Years Eigtheen through Twenty:
The Romance Years
“I am a stranger here, within a foreign land,
My home is far away, upon a golden strand . . .”
When Katherine and her family moved
from their tiny home near Rock Rapids, Iowa,
to a new home near Magnolia, Minnesota,
this is how Katherine felt her first Sunday in a new church.
She felt lost, totally bereft of friends and familiarity.
What had she and her family done?
They had left everything near and dear behind
to start completely over!
Would she ever be able to fit in? To find friends? To feel like she
belonged . . .?
the Chapter Index View the First
About Carol
Carol Brands
Carol Brands calls herself primarily a mother.
Born the third of sixteen children, Carol was already a “mother” to her younger brothers and sisters during her
adolescent years. After she finished college, Carol continued to work with children, teaching for twelve years.
At age thirty, she married and became a mother to her own eight children, four boys and four girls. Once they
were all in school, she worked for another twelve years in a local care center. Now she is thrilled to enter
the stage of grandmother, anticipating her eleventh grandchild in 2013.