. . . You will watch a little African boy do his utmost to save his little
sister. You will see his whole village turn against him. And you will see how God works in wondrous ways to
help him. I highly recommend this book for parents to read to their young children, some parts are scary, or
for older children to read themselves.
~ Rebecca Kingswood (a grade five student) in Pioneer.

Subject: Fiction /
Mission Age: 8-99
ISBN 978-0-921100-47-7 Retail Price: US$7.95
#1 Tekko and the
White Man
by Alie Vogelaar
Suddenly a wild thought went through Tekko's mind. If his baby sister didn't recover? Then . . . then . . . he
would go to the white medicine man! For a moment he was startled by the thought. Then he was certain of it. They
had paid Wemale plenty and offered much to the spirits. If it still didn't help, he would take her to the white
medicine man of whom Tani had told him. For a moment he thought about the weird and horrible things Tani also had
told him. But he didn't want to think about that. It was the white medicine man who had made the village chief
better. The white medicine man must have secret powers, because their own medicine man couldn't do it!

Subject: Fiction /
Mission Age: 8-99
ISBN 978-0-921100-74-7 Retail Price: US$7.95
#2 Tekko the Fugitive
by Alie Vogelaar
Tekko didn’t see much of his surroundings. He was thinking about everything that had happened in
his village. It was a long time since the white man and Ano had returned to their own village. That was too bad
because Tekko loved to listen to the beautiful stories the white man told about the Lord Jesus.
The things that had happened were so amazing! Tekko had heard about the white man and had secretly gone to him with
his sick little sister. That had been a long and difficult journey, but . . . his troubles were rewarded. The baby
got better and that was something that Wemale, their medicine man, with all his magic charms had not been able to
Wemale! Tekko thought. He frowned.

Subject: Fiction /
Mission Age: 8-99
ISBN 978-0-921100-75-2 Retail Price: US$7.95
#3 Tekko Returns
by Alie Vogelaar
While Tekko was talking, one man
stole quietly away without anyone noticing. Kroesoto didn’t want to have any part of the story telling. He went to
his hut and sat down on his haunches. His eyes burned with hatred. A menacing growl came out of his throat. Ha, a
story instead of dancing! The spirits will let them know about it. The people thought they could do whatever they
pleased. But they would find out! Ha, ha! There they all sat listening to that young fellow! And he, Kroesoto, had
been pushed aside! Why didn’t they want a medicine man anymore? Why couldn’t he become their medicine man? That’s
how it had always been done. They would find out! Just wait! Just wait! Hadn’t they always had their own gods? Why
did they suddenly have to serve the God of the white man?

About the
Mrs. Alie Vogelaar
Mrs. A. Vogelaar-van Amersfoort has written many stories for children. She is married to Rev.
Cornelius Vogelaar and is currently living in Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A.