by W.G. VAN DE HULST Illustrated by J.H. Isings This book is intended to be a book for mothers. A book to be read in quiet hours, to little ones of four to seven or eight years old who sit at Mothers knee. A book to be read slowly, yes, especially slowly; very clearly with warm, loving reverence and awe which creates in little childrens heart a pious reverence and a joy filled awe. It desires to be a BIBLE FOR THE LITTLE ONES, reaching out to all areas of a childs understanding. A child does not comprehend everything, yet understands a great deal. This story bible wishes to tell about the holy things in plain, clear, almost simple language, which still must never profane the consecrated happenings. It is not meant to be complete. Completeness would hinder children. This book is not meant to be anything but a modest, reverent endeavour to lead the little ones into the holy sphere of Godly things. The interest of the little ones will be the test to see whether this endeavour is accomplished. May God give our little ones His wonderful blessings in the quiet hours, listening to His voice at Mothers knee. The Author Subject: Bible Age: 7-10 ISBN 1-894666-69-0 CAD$ 32.95
by Cor Van Rijswijk These hard cover Bible story books are wonderful. Children just learning to read can use them as little readers, either reading them on their own, reading them aloud, or reading them along with the narration on CD. Yet what every child enjoys most is being read to. Here are Bible stories written in a language which is simple and reverent. These are stories which edify both adults and children. The drawings must also be given due attention: they are simply beautiful. Real to life, they are a great contrast to the modern concept of Bible cartoon characters. There is a great need for good reading for children. Here is a good beginning. Rev. J. Visscher in Clarion: "These books are usually about 40 pages long, are well-illustrated by Rino Visser and are faithful, biblical renderings. They make for good birthday presents to four and five year olds." Abraham's Sacrifice ISBN 1-894666-21-6CAD$ 12.95 Gideon Blows the Trumpet ISBN 1-894666-22-4 CAD$ 12.95
CAD$ 12.95 Age: 4-8 FREEwith an orderof three W.K. books: CD Bible Stories from The Word of the King Series read by Theresa JanssenCAD$ 38.85 (This icon is for the whole set & free CD) CD 1-894666-24-0 CAD$ 22.95 Frederika Pronk in The Messenger about Abraham's Sacrifice: "The focus of this Bible story, Abraham offering Isaac, his only son, is told reverently and with deep feeling. Woven throughout is the theme that Abraham knew by implication and believed that the animal sacrifices he offered pointed to the perfect sacrifice of the Son of God. Psalm quotations from the Book of Praise illustrate this theme. The tension of Abraham's struggle to obey is made very clear. It was not only his love for Isaac, but especially the knowledge that the Lamb of God would come through his heir, that caused Abraham the agony of soul when the command came to offer His son Isaac. This Bible story is told from the redemptive-historical viewpoint redemption stands central. We gladly recommend this book for children approximately 6 to 10 years old." |
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by Anne De Vries This story Bible is a classic in which Anne DeVries touches on the episodes recorded in Scripture one by one, bringing them to life for children through dramatic dialogue, imaginative description, and careful attention to narrative structure. The exquisitely detailed and unique illustrations by Cornelis Jetses reinforce the story of Gods dealings with His people in a beautiful way. For Age: 7-12
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Dear Little Friend, Will you try to read a page of this book every morning? I do not want it to take the place of your Bible; but I know that very often schoolboys and schoolgirls are hurried in the morning, and have not time to read their Bible till the evening. This little message will not take you long to read; and I have prayed that God may bless it to you day by day. You will see that we begin the year with the words of Jesus, and we end it with His words. We do not go straight through the Bible, but you will notice that we get our messages from every part of it. Will you try to live out your text every day? Think about it, and act upon it, and ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of it during the day. Your affectionate friend, Amy Le Feuvre ISBN 978-1-928136-61-3 CAD$ 23.95
270 exciting Bible stories Simply written on the level of the childs understanding Attention-getting questions with every story A book children everywhere will love "A Bible story book which is excellent in its simplicity, accuracy, appeal and unity... stories are short enough to be read in one sitting and the vocabulary is so simple that even pre-school children will listen and easily understand... parents and teachers will find in it a great help in bringing the Bible to their children." Banner "This is one of the finest books of its kind that I have seen... remarkably true to the biblical narrative. I applied the Flesch tests for readability and interest to two passages chosen at random from the Old Testament. . . . the reading ease score was easy to very easy. The human interest score was interesting to dramatic." The Standard Publishing Foundation "The Bible becomes a living, meaningful book, and the characters become alive and understandable . . . ." The Mennonite "The whole Bible historical record from the creation to the Lords appearance, to John on Patmos, told in 270 simple stories. Should be a delight to the child, and helpful to the parent telling or reading the Bible story to children." The Baptist Record 62 Illustrations Subject: Bible Age: 7-10 ISBN 978-1-928136-23-4 - CAD$ 36.95 |
A Story About the Persecution of Christians at the Time of Emperor Nero The history of the Church in a.d. 64 is written with blood and tears. This book, based on historical facts, relates what happened in Rome in the summer of that year. It is a gripping chronicle. In the story we meet Quintus, the central character. He is a typical Roman boy, who through a number of ordeals experiences the grace of God.Time: a.d. 64 Age: 12-99 ISBN 1-894666-70-4 CAD$ 13.95
by P. De Zeeuw C. MacDonald in The Banner of Truth: Augustine was one of the great teachers of the Christian Church, defending it against many heretics. This interesting publication should stimulate and motivate all readers to extend their knowledge of Augustine and his works.J. Sawyer in Trowel & Sword: . . . It is informative, accurate historically and theologically, and very readable. My daughter loved it (and I enjoyed it myself). An excellent choice for home and church libraries. Time: a.d. 354-430 Age: 9-99 ISBN 0-921100-05-1 CAD$ 11.95 |
by K. Norel Zarco signs on as mate apprentice aboard the fleet of Bartholomew Diaz who discovers the Cape of Good Hope. Under Vasco da Gama, Zarco later sails to India. Norel was one of Hollands best-loved authors of historical fiction. Time: 1441 - 1502 Age: 12-99 ISBN 0-88815-877-7 CAD$ 12.95 |
A Story from the Time of the Great Reformation Johan Tetzel, the indulgence pedlar, was coming to the town of Zerbst. However, Otto Maehler was forbidden to join the procession to meet this distorter of Gods truth. Father Maehler called Tetzel a blasphemer and after going to the church to tell the people so, he lost favour with the town magistrates. Despite the fury of the magistrates, Father Maehler offered Martin Luther the cup of honour. But the consequences were harsh. Their lives were spared, but . . . Where had Martin Luther gone? Join Ottos family as they cling to Gods promises through all their grief and tension. Witness with joy the work of God in the lives of His children as well as in the lives of the enemies of the cross. Another historical novel by P. de Zeeuw. Written in a fascinating way for children to learn church history. It will encourage them to remain steadfast in the faith and to confess with Martin Luther: Here I stand! I cannot do otherwise. May God help me! Amen. Time: 1517-1522 Age: 9-99 ISBN 9781894666348 CAD$ 11.95 |
Series: In Father's Footsteps It was cold and dark outside. Yet there were some boys walking in the streets. They were going from one house to an other. Do you know what they were doing? Listen! They were singing. Suddenly a door was opened. A kind woman gave the boys something to eat. How happy they were. Time: 1483-1546 Age: 4-9ISBN 1-894666-80-1 CAD$ 13.95 The books in the Series: In Father's Footsteps are independent stories written by Cor Van Rijswijk about important people in Church History. Read them to your four or five-year-old,and let your six or seven-year-old use them as readers. John is Not Afraid by Cor Van Rijswijk Series: In Father's Footsteps John Knox was smart. He could study very well and learn quickly. Father and Mother really liked that. One day, John was called to go to his father. "John," he said, "you are a big boy now. You must either work, or keep going to school." Time: 1513?-1572 Age: 4-9ISBN 1-894666-81-X CAD$ 13.95 |
Based on a story about the Reformation in Hungary Kapotsky Andreas is the court farrier to the King. He helps to have one of the most famous Reformers thrown into prison, but soon after the arrest the Lord lets their paths cross again, with remarkable consequences.Time: 1523-1586 Age: 10-99 Cat. Nr. 0000005632 CAD$ 13.95 |
by W.G. Van de Hulst Whether you are old or young you will enjoy this biography on the life of William of Orange. Read it and give it as a birthday present to your children or grandchildren. A fascinating true story about one of the greatest princes who ever lived and already by his contemporaries justly compared to King David.Time: 1533-1584 Age: 7-99 ISBN 0-921100-15-9 CAD$ 13.95 |
(Place order for set of 4 and save 15%) SET OF 4 STRUGGLE for FREEDOM Series REG.59.80 Special Set Price- CAD$ 50.90 David Engelsma in the Standard Bearer: This is reading for Reformed children, young people, and (if I am any indication) their parents. It is the story of 12-year-old Martin Meulenberg and his family during the Roman Catholic persecution of the Reformed Christians in The Netherlands about the year 1600. A peddlar, secretly distributing Reformed books from village to village, drops a copy of Guido de Brès' True Christian Confession a booklet forbidden by the Roman Catholic authorities. An evil neighbor sees the book and informs . . . Time: 1568-1572 Age: 10-99 Vol. 1 - When The Morning Came ISBN 0-921100-12-4 CAD$ 14.95 Vol. 2 - Dispelling the Tyranny ISBN 0-921100-40-X CAD$ 14.95 Vol. 3 - The Beggars' Victory ISBN 0-921100-53-1 CAD$ 14.95
by Piet Prins Struggle for Freedom Series 4 General Valdez had mercilessly surrounded Leiden with his Spanish troops. Rather than attacking the city, he let a different weapon do the work. This weapon was hunger. Hardly anyone could get into the city or out of it, and the hunger, together with the black death wreaked death and sickness among the citizens. Elisabeth Govaerts was having trouble keeping her father and brother as well as their lodger Boudewyn fed and in good shape. It was therefore a feast when Martin Meulenberg managed to creep through the Spanish fortifications and bring Elisabeth food. But the time was short since Martin wanted to join the Sea Beggars again. He left the city with reports of starving people. Even so, the Prince of Orange was doing his best to free Leiden. But even after the dykes had been breached by the Sea Beggars the water would not rise, and thus the Sea Beggars could not sail into Leiden to liberate it. Help seemed impossible. Time: 1573 Age: 10-99 ISBN 978-1-894666-20-6 CAD$ 14.95 |
by F.N. MONJO Illustrated by C. Walter Hodges Piet Heyn was a Dutchman, A Dutchman from Delft, Who braved the blue deeps of the sea, To sail out, seafaring, For flounder and herring, While he dreamed that his land might be free. Time: 1578-1629 Age: 4-9 9781928136248 CAD$ 14.95 |
by William R. Rang Liz Buist in Reformed Perspective: This book is a fictional account of the life of Michael de Ruyter, who as a schoolboy already preferred life at sea to being at school. De Ruyter is known as the greatest Dutch admiral, who, in spite of his successful career as a sailor captain and pirate hunter, remained humble and faithful to his God who had called him to serve his country. The author brings to life many adventures at sea that keep the reader spellbound, eager to know what the next chapter will bring. . . This book is highly recommended as a novel way to acquiring knowledge of a segment of Dutch history, for avid young readers and adults alike.Time: 1607-1676 Age: 10-99 ISBN 0-921100-59-0 CAD$ 13.95
![]() THREE MONTHS UNDER THE SNOW by J.J. PORCHAT This morning when I awoke, I found myself in complete darkness, and at first supposed that my sleep had quitted me at an earlier hour than usual. However, I heard my grandfather feeling his way about, and I rubbed my eyes, but did not see a bit better.Grandfather, said I, you are up before daylight.My dear boy, he answered, if we were to wait for the light of day, we should remain long enough in bed. I fear the snow is above the window.At this I uttered a cry of horror and leaped out of bed. I soon lighted our lamp, and we were then able to perceive that my grandfathers conjecture was well-founded.But the window is low, he added, besides, it may be that the snow has been heaped up in this part; perhaps we should not see it above two feet deep at some paces from the wall. Time 19th Century Age: 9-99 9781894666190 CAD$ 15.95 |
It was hunger that drove 12-year-old Boris and his friend, Nadia, to forage for potatoes in the forbidden No-mans-land that lay between the Russian and German lines outside the besieged city of Leningrad. But the long walk in the bitter cold, through miles of ice and snow, was too difficult for Nadia. As she lay on the ice, collapsed from exhaustion, Boris was at his wits end. When German patrol rescued the children and delivered them safely to the Russian lines, Boris learned that the hated enemy were not monsters just ordinary men like any others and that in war, everyone is the victim. Set in Leningrad during the dreadful 500 days in 1942-43 when it lay under siege by the German army, Boris is the story of a courageous boy who faces the bitter life-and-death realities of war and human survival, and, with a growing sense of compassion for all mankind, looks hopefully toward the future when all men can lay down their arms and embrace one another as brothers. "A beautifully realized parable of war, death, kindness, and endurance . . . enormously effective." School Library Journal Jaap ter Haar was a Dutch historian who served in the World War II underground. Both his histories and his childrens books have been translated into many languages and have received literary awards. Boris was chosen as Book of the Year in Holland and also won the Youth Award of the City of Rotterdam. Time: 1942-1943 Age: 10-99 ISBN 978-0-921100-72-8 CAD$ 12.95
(Place order for set of 5 and save 15%) SET OF 5 SHADOW SERIES - REG. 69.75 - PRINS, PIET - set of new edition copies CAD$ 59.30 One of the most exciting series of a master story teller about the German occupation of The Netherlands during the emotional time of the Second World War (1940-1945).K. Bruning in Una Sancta about Vol.4 - The Partisans, and Vol. 5 - Sabotage: . . . the country was occupied by the German military forces. The nation's freedom was destroyed by the foreign men in power. Violence, persecutions and executions were the order of the day, and the main target of the enemy was the destruction of the christian way of life. In that time the resistance movement of underground fighters became very active. People from all ages and levels joined in and tried to defend the Dutch Christian heritage as much as possible. The above mentioned books show us how older and younger people were involved in that dangerous struggle. It often was a life and death battle. Every page of these books is full of tension. The stories give an accurate and very vivid impression of that difficult and painful time. These books should also be in the hands of our young people. They are excellent instruments to understand the history of their own country and to learn the practical value of their own confession and Reformed way of life. What about as presents on birthdays?
Vol. 1 The Lonely Sentinel ISBN 1-894666-72-0 CAD$ 13.95 Vol. 2 Hideout in the Swamp ISBN 1-894666-73-9 CAD$ 13.95 Vol. 3 The Grim Reaper ISBN 1-894666-74-7 CAD$ 13.95 Vol. 4 The Partisans ISBN 0-921100-07-8 CAD$ 13.95 Vol. 5 Sabotage ISBN 0-921100-08-6 CAD$ 13.95
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Huguenot Inheritance Series N.B. Vol. 1, 2, and 4 are ideal for 11-99 year olds while the other volumes are better for about 14 and up. 15% discount if you buy the complete set. If you own some of the books you are entitled to all the others at 15% discount. Please call us at 780-674-3949. To order all 14 books please click on the link below. (Place order for Huguenot Inheritance Series set of 14 and save 15%) SET OF 14 HUGUENOT INHER - by ALCOCK, DEBORAH and others) CAD$181.04
The Adventures of Three Huguenot Children Fleeing Persecution Huguenot Inheritance Series #1 F. Pronk in The Messenger: This book . . . will hold its readers spellbound from beginning to end. The setting is late seventeenth century France. Early in the story the mother dies and the father is banished to be a galley slave for life on a war ship. Yet in spite of threats and punishment, sixteen-year-old John and his ten-year-old sister Manette, refuse to give up the faith they have been taught. Time: 1685-1695 Age: 12-99 ISBN 0-921100-04-3 CAD$ 17.95
by A. Van der Jagt A Huguenot's Dangerous Adventures in the Land of Persecution Huguenot Inheritance Series #2 In the sequel to our best-seller, The Escape, John returns to France with a secret mission of the Dutch Government. At the same time he attempts to find his father. Time: 1702-1712 Age: 12-99 ISBN 0-921100-18-3 CAD$ 17.95
A Tale of the Huguenots of Languedoc Huguenot Inheritance Series #3 Christine Farenhorst in Christian Renewal: Presenting a moving account of the weals and woes of two Huguenot families during the heavy waves of persecution in seventeenth century France, this book, although its onset is a bit slow, is fascinating and moving reading. Covering all aspects of Huguenot life during this difficult time period, this goodsized paperback volume is a well-spring of encouragement for Christians today and highly recommended as reading for all those age twelve and over. Time: 1676-1686 Age: 13-99 ISBN 0-921100-64-7 CAD$ 19.95
Huguenot Inheritance Series #4 It was a happy life at the pretty chateau. Even after that dreadful Sunday evening, when strange men came down and shut the people out of the church, not much changed for the four children. Until the soldiers came . . . Time: 1686-1687 Age: 11-99 ISBN 0-921100-65-5 CAD$ 12.95
by Charlotte Maria Tucker A Story of the Huguenots Huguenot Inheritance Series #5 Christine Farenhorst in Christian Renewal: "Set in the days following the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, (an edict in effect from 1598-1685 providing religious freedom for the French Protestants), this story follows the lives of two Huguenot families. Losing all to remain constant, the La Force family flees to Britain, while the Duval family remains in France. Suspenseful, the unfolding panorama of persecution and intrigue is well-suited for twenty-first century church goers who take freedom of religion for granted." Time: 1685-1695 Age: 13-99 ISBN 0-921100-66-3 CAD$ 12.95
A Tale of Two Continents Huguenot Inheritance Series #6 The Refugees is a fast-paced exciting historical novel filled with daring and adventure. It depicts the escape of Louis De Catinat and his cousin from France after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. Fleeing aboard a merchant vessel they attempt to reach America but find themselves stranded on an iceberg. The result is a hazardous trek through Canadian forests, avoiding both Roman Catholic Frenchmen and savage Indians. Follow the adventures of well to do people, bereft of all convenience and fleeing for their lives to seek refuge in a country where freedom of religion returns stability to their lives. Time: 1685-1686 Age: 12-99 ISBN 0-921100-67-1 CAD$ 19.95
Huguenot Inheritance Series #7 Christine Farenhorst wrote in Christian Renewal: Ten-year-old Gaspard, accidentally separated from his parents, is raised by a group of outlaw salt runners who fear neither God nor man. . . . Through the providence of God, Gaspard's heart turns to Him in faith and after a series of adventures is able to flee France to the safer Protestant shores of England. Fine and absorbing reading. Deborah Alcock has wonderful vocabulary, is a marvelous story-teller, and brings out the amazing hand of God's almighty power in every chapter. Highly recommended. Time: 1685-1697 Age: 11-99 ISBN 1-894666-03-8 CAD$ 17.95
by Margaret S. Comrie Huguenot Inheritance Series #8 Azerole, a young fugitive, was serving at Castle Brianza at Piedmont as governess to Madame de Rohans crippled and plaintive foster son Christophe. But Azerole was a Huguenot maid, and Castle Brianza was ardently Roman Catholic. Madames son Gaston, who was serving in the French army, was said to be a fiery Roman Catholic and tolerated no Protestants. What would happen to Azerole when he came home? Azerole and her brother Léon struggle amid many troubles to keep their faith alive. When Michel unexpectedly comes on the scene a new unforseen danger lurks in the shadows. Would these two young Huguenots remain safe under the roof and shadow of Castle Brianza? Time: 1686-1690 Age: 12-99 ISBN 9780921100683 CAD$ 17.95
and: The Cross and the Crown & The Carpenter of Nîmes Two Huguenot Stories by Deborah Alcock Huguenot Inheritance Series #9 The Cross and the Crown tells about a man by the name of Gabriel Vaur. After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685), life once again became very dangerous for the Huguenots in France. When the Dragonnades came, Gabriel tried to get help, leaving his father, sister, and brother behind. Would he ever see them again? Would he ever be able to flee France and reach England? The Baron of Salgas is the true story of the Baron and Baroness de Salgas. Even though her husband forbids her to be an open Huguenot, the Baroness knows that her Saviour had said that whoever would deny Him would be denied by Him. So one night she made her escape to Geneva. Would her husband follow? Would he recant? What would happen to their sons who were taken to the convents? The Carpenter of Nîmes goes back more than a century to the year 1569 and tells about a man named Jacques Maderon. When the pastor tells him that Christ had said, "Son, go work today in My vineyard," he knows it is time to do something. Then the father of his friend was imprisoned. Would he succeed to cut the bars of the gate and so make way for the Huguenots to enter the city and deliver it? Time: 1568-1715 Age: 13-99 ISBN 978-0-921100-69-0 CAD$ 14.95
A Story of France in the 18th Century Huguenot Inheritance Series #10 "Father!" Eugène burst forth, unable to withhold his tidings. "Father, the king is dead! The wicked rebels in Paris have slain him, slain him on the scaffold. Think of that! The king, the Lords anointed, Louis of France!" A flush overspread the old mans face, a tremor passed through his frame. Had he been able, he would have sprung from his seat, but he could not; one of his lower limbs was paralysed. So he lifted up his white and trembling hands to heaven, and said with deep feeling, "God is just. His holy will be done." Eugène was amazed. This way of taking a hideous crime, a terrible calamity, seemed to him incomprehensible. But then, as he reminded himself, his father was not quite like other people. However, he could not help saying, "I think it looks much more like the devils will, my father." Time: 1789-1815 Age: 13-99 ISBN 978-1-77298-014-1 CAD$ 11.95
or, The Children of Port Royal Huguenot Inheritance Series #11 Geneviève looked up quickly. "Then you think I ought to take the veil?" In truth it is from among the young hearts that bleed and suffer, like Genevièves, that convents gain their best and most willing recruits. "Willingly, most willingly. But not until Mademoiselle has need of me no longer." "My need must yield to higher claims. And I own that it would be a joy to me to give back to God the best and dearest gift He has given me in these sad later years. But we will do nothing rashly or in haste. Meanwhile believe me, dear child, that I can feel for thy sorrow. Renunciation, however clearly we may see the duty of it, can never be anything but pain, bitter pain. Yet it is in such pain that Christ draws near to us, and gives us the foretaste of His joy." "I know it, Mademoiselle," whispered the pale lips of Geneviève. "And now go and pray for thyself and for me. I also will pray for thee. Kiss me, dear child. So once more lip to lip and heart to heart. God bless thee! God make thee in very truth the saint I dreamed of being, but am not, and shall never be." Time: 1650--1670 Age: 13-99 ISBN 978-1-894666-15-2 CAD$25.95
A Story of the Church under the Cross Huguenot Inheritance Series #12 IN the pages of this book fiction has only been employed for the purpose of illustrating fact. All that has been told of the sufferings, the faith, and the patience of the Church in the Desert or, as her children loved to call her, "The Church under the Cross" is true, and within the truth. Especially the character and the history of Majal-Désubas owes nothing to the pencil of fancy. It is a portrait, carefully drawn from contemporary sources, from the memoirs, narratives, and popular songs, in which grateful hearts have embalmed a beloved and fragrant memory. Time: 1745-1760 Age: 16-99 ISBN 978-1-894666-13-8 CAD$ 17.95
A Story of Old Paris Huguenot Inheritance Series #13 The narrative here presented is offered to the reader as a picture of a state of society which has passed away for ever. It aims at reflecting the men and women of the "old régime" as they acted, thought, and suffered; especially taking note of those who, in that age of infidelity and corruption, yet lived and walked "as seeing Him who is invisible." Time: 1760s Age: 16-99 ISBN 978-1-894666-12-1 CAD$ 17.95
A Story of France in the 18th Century Huguenot Inheritance Series #14 Among those who could not get away was an aged man, who had almost fulfilled his fourscore years of life. Him the soldiers took, and were leading him away to prison. His son, who was in another part of the Assembly, knew nothing of it until, having reached a place of safety, he sought everywhere for his father, and could not find him. His young active feet soon retraced their steps. He met the soldiers with their captive on their way to the town. Madly Fabre threw himself into their midst, and made a wild despairing effort to tear their prisoner from their grasp. Vain vain of course! What could one man, alone and unarmed, do against a band? Time: 1760s Age: 12-99 ISBN 978-1-77298-005-9 CAD$ 11.95
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