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NEW . . . New . . . New . . .
by Claude Goudimel This book is ideal for churches, organists, choirs, and Christian families. Approximately 450 4-part settings of the Psalms. The melody is both in a Soprano and a Tenor setting, and all the stanzas of the Psalms from the Book of Praise are included. ISBN 1-894666-66-6 CAD$59.95 (15% discount for 6 or more copies!) by Claude Goudimel Spiral Bound Copy with loose cover around it. Does not look as nice but stands open flat. Spiral Copy CAD$69.99 Perfect Bound copy with only back of cover cut loose to faclitate the book to stay open. It still looks very nice! If used a lot it may rip loose from the front cover (and then you can get it Spiral Bound at Staples etc.) Back Cut Loose Copy CAD$59.99 |
Theresa Janssen Plays the Genevan Psalms of Claude Goudimel for you to sing along (or play along on your favourite solo instrument) An ideal set of 4 Compact Discs for those who want to learn to sing the Genevan Psalms by heart. Each of the 150 Psalms is played twice, once with the melody in the Soprano and once with the melody in the Tenor. The organ registrations (of the organs at West End Christian Reformed Church, Robertson-Wesley United Church, and Grace Lutheran Church in Edmonton, Alberta) used for each of the Psalms are available at Registrations of Theresa's Goudimel performance which can be of great help for (young) organists. 4 Compact Discs CMR 109-112 CAD$40.00 |
of the Canadian Reformed Churches. 1984 Edition This book contains the 150 Psalms, 65 Hymns, the Ecumenical Creeds, the Three Forms of Unity, Liturgical Forms, Prayers, and Church Order. Subject: Genevan Psalms Age: 3-99 ISBN 0-88756-029-6 (in Black & Maroon) CAN. REF. CHURCHES - BOOK OF PRAISE 1984/2008 ED. RED - 0-88756-029-6 - CAD$ 24.00 CAN. REF. CHURCHES - BOOK OF PRAISE 1984/2008 EDIT. BLK - - CAD$ 24.00 |
for the Whole Family to Enjoy (with FREE AUDIO COMPACT DISC) With Joyful Psalm and Song The Children of Asaph Sing Anglo-Genevan Psalms Amy Barendregt, Soprano Peter De Boer, Baritone Kent Dykstra, Violin Joel Bootsma, Viola Vanessa Smeding, Cello Harm Hoeve, Organ Theresa Janssen, Conductor Psalms 76:1, 3, & 5; 93:1-4; 85:1 & 2; 114:1-4; 35:1 & 2; 6:1 & 2 (Soprano Solo); 47:1-3; The Song of Mary; Psalms 33 (Organ Solo); 79:1, 3, & 5; 89:1-3; 119:1, 4, 13, & 40; 24:1, 2, & 5; 144:2 (Strings & Baritone); 84:1-3; 55:1, 2, & 9; 71:1 & 8; 138:1-4. Play part of Psalm 76 (reduced quality) IPDVD 113-9 (includes free CD) CAD$29.95 NTSC Format (Upon request PAL is available as well) |
The Odé Ensemble Sings Anglo-Genevan Psalms of Claude Goudimel Annelize Viljoen, soprano; Helga Schabort & Philna Badenhorst, altos; Antonie Fourie, tenor; Eric Kayayan, bass. (The sheet music of this C.D, is published in The Genevan Psalms in Harmony by Claude Goudimel.) Psalm 65:1 & 6; Psalm 38:1 & 10; Psalm 9:1 & 6; Psalm 28:1 & 5; Psalm 13:1 & 3; Psalm 43:1 & 5; Psalm 45:1 & 6; Psalm 37:1 & 5; Psalm 54:1 & 3; Psalm 32:1 & 5; Psalm 2:1 & 4; Psalm 40:1 & 7; Psalm 46:1 & 5; Psalm 62:1 & 6; Psalm 53:1 & 5; Psalm 17:1 & 5; Psalm 50:1 & 11; Psalm 34:1 & 7; Psalm 11:1 & 2; Psalm 41:1 & 4; Psalm 57:1 & 5; Psalm 59:1 & 8; Psalm 10:1 & 7; Psalm 26:1 & 7; Psalm 33:1 & 6; Psalm 48:1 & 4. Compact Disc CMR 108-2 CAD$21.95 |
The Children of Asaph sing the Psalms of David on the tunes of John Calvin Noortje Van Middelkoop, Panflute; Lucy Bootsma, Violin; Daniel Bootsma, Cello; Harm Hoeve, Organ; Theresa Janssen, Conductor. Byron Snapp in The Counsel of Chalcedon: . . . There is a richness and depth in these selections that is too often missing in much contemporary music. . . Once again Church Music & Records has provided the listener with the opportunity to hear enduring Psalms sung and played with meaning and a quiet, sure confidence. Hopefully this recording will be widely purchased and used in the lives of many for the building up of God's people more and more unto His glory. 1. Psalm 42:1, 2, & 5 Willem Van Twillert; 2. Psalm 116:1, 2, 3, & 7 Theresa E. Janssen; 3. Psalm 124 Harm Hoeve; 4. Psalm 1 (Organ Solo) Feike Asma; 5. Psalm 49:1 & 2 (solo: Hester Barendregt) Willem Van Twillert; 6. Psalm 98 (solo: Cynthia Van Leeuwen & Karina Van Laar) Trad./Harm Hoeve; 7. Psalm 121 Feike Asma; 8. Psalm 96:1, 2, & 8 Dick Van Luttikhuizen; 9. Psalm 80:1, 2, & 3 (solo: Felicia Amy Barendregt) Roelof A. Janssen; 10. Psalm 68 (Organ & Panflute) Peter Eilander; 11. Psalm 25:1, 2, & 3 Willem Hendrik Zwart; 12. Song of Simeon (Hymn 18) Feike Asma; 13. Psalm 134 Harm Hoeve/Klaas Jan Mulder. For all ages! Compact Disc CMR 106-2 CAD$ 21.99
Cassette 106-4 CAD$ 14.99
A Collection of Psalms and Hymns, Sung by Choirs and Audiences in Alberta & British Columbia with Harm Hoeve & Herman Van Vliet, Organ; Noortje Van Middelkoop, Panflute; Bastiaan Van Vliet, French Horn. Includes: Psalm 116:1, 7, & 10; Psalm 68:1, 2, & 8; Psalm 21:1, 3, & 4; Psalm 78:1 & 3; Psalm 103:1, 2, & 4; Psalm 132:6 - 9 Claude Goudimel; Psalm 19:1 & 2; Psalm 73:8 & 9; Cantata: A Mighty Fortress is Our God Jan Zwart; Psalm 15; etc. (the 70 minute CD also includes a number of Psalms and a Hymn from the cassette Rejoicing in the Lord). Byron Snapp in The Presbyterian Witness: The words of the selections (with the exception of the two organ solos) are included. My family has greatly appreciated listening to this CD. The quality is excellent. The selections are sung by choirs and sometimes by the entire audience. Compact Disc CMR 105-2 CAD$21.95 Cassette CMR 105-4 CAD$10.99 |
Singing of Psalms with Willem Hendrik Zwart at the Central Presbyterian Church in Hamilton. Psalm 72 by Jan Bonefaas for choir and audience; Psalm 132; Psalm 101; Psalm 6 by Jan Zwart (organ solo); Psalm 87; Psalm 40; Psalm 118 by Feike Asma for choir and audience; Psalm 136 by Hans Boelee for choir and audience; Psalm 17; Psalm 5; Psalm 94 by Willem Hendrik Zwart (organ solo); Psalm 56; Psalm 119; Psalm 150 by Hans Boelee for choir and audience. Cassette CMR101-4 CAD$13.00 |
Psalm 72 (3 settings) by Jan Bonefaas Psalm 99 (2 settings) by Gradus Wendt Psalm 118 (2 settings) by Feike Asma Psalm 136 (2 settings) by Hans Boelee Psalm 138 (2 settings) by Jan Bonefaas Psalm 150 (2 settings) by Hans Boelee Sheet Music CMR M-101 CAD$4.00 (10 or more copies: 15 % discount) N.B. Psalms 99 and 138 are recorded on cassette CMR 102-4; The four other Psalms are recorded on cassette CMR101-4 |
Anglo-Genevan Psalms & Hymns sung by Choirs and Audience at the Maranatha Canadian Reformed Church in Surrey, B.C. with Herman Van Vliet, Organ. Psalm 89:1,7,&8; Psalm 85:1-4; Hymn 11:1-3; Psalm 91 (Organ Solo); Psalm 99:1-3; Psalm 147:1&4; Psalm 51:1,2,&3; Psalm 138:1&4; Psalm 16:1,4,&5; Psalm 139 (Organ Solo); Psalm 27:1,2,&6; Hymn 10:1,9,&10; Psalm 33:1,2,&6. Carl Oosterhoff in Reformed Perspective: The recording is well done and deserves a place in every Christian home. HEARTILY RECOMMENDED! Cassette TC CMR102-4 CAD$13.00 |
Dennis Teitsma - The Hymns: Harmonizations for the accompaniment of the unison singing of the 65 Hymns in the Book of Praise, Anglo-Genevan Psalter of the Canadian Reformed Churches. CMR O-105 CAD$24.00 |
42 Genevan Psalms sung in Afrikaans by the Odé Ensemble Soprano: Alna Smit; Altos: Philna Badenhorst & Lilian Freedman; Tenor: Wimpie Kotze; Bass: Eric Kayayan. Includes stanzas of Psalms 84, 34, 66, 24, 25, 61, 27, 65, 43, 121, 3, 75, 99, 131, 124, etc. Compact Disc 1401032 CAD$27.00 |
Organ Improvisations and singing of Dutch Psalms 75, 149, 42, 96, 25, 138, 43, and 108. Sheet Music on Psalms 43 & 96 is also available. Compact Disc SOS0109 CAD$27.00
Variations on Psalms 6, 24, 48, 130, and 138 by Bierling (Sheet Music is also available); Psalms 68 & 134 and other music by J.S. Bach. Compact Disc SOS9827-04 CAD$27.00
Includes his own Chorale Preludes on Psalms 107 and 138 and The Song of Mary (Sheet Music is also available). Other music includes pieces by J.S. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, Krebs, Pachelbel, Stanley, and Bohm. This CD comes with an extensive booklet in Dutch about the building of this new organ in comparison to several old Dutch organs. Compact Disc SOS9904-19 CAD$27.00 |
Harm plays all the pieces mentioned on the sheetmusic below, except Psalm 116 which is recorded on his first CD in Bolsward (see next page). CD 1404042 CAD$27.00 For many years organists have asked when Harm Hoeve's music would appear in print: Behold . . . Available Now: Vol. 1: Psalms 121, 116; Op bergen en in dalen; Ik heb de vaste grond gevonden. Vol. 2: Psalm 136; Blessed Assurance; Wij knielen voor Uw zetel neer; Rust mijn ziel. Vol. 3: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee; Praise to the Lord the Almighty. Vol. 4: All through the Night; Judge Eternal, Throned in Splendour; National Anthem of Israel. Each volume costs CAD$21.00; All four volumes CAD$75.00 Vol 5-8 are also avalable and recorded on the following CD: HOEVE, HARM - CD HARM HOEVE - EIGEN KORAALBEWERKI - CD ER102412 - CAD$ 27.00 HOEVE, HARM - HARM HOEVE DEEL 5 - PSALM 89/150 - HOEVE 5 - CAD$ 21.00 HOEVE, HARM - HARM HOEVE DEEL 6 - PSALM 42 / VEIL - HOEVE 6 - CAD$ 21.00 HOEVE, HARM - HARM HOEVE DEEL 7 - PSALM 43/100 TE - HOEVE 7 - CAD$ 21.00 HOEVE, HARM - HARM HOEVE DEEL 8 - PSALM 75 / VAN - HOEVE 8 - CAD$ 21.00 |
Special Package Sets at 15-20% discount