Sheet Music & Compact Discs
Click here for Music Books, Compact Discs & Cassettes on the Genevan Psalms
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Six Genevan Psalms for Four-Part Choir S.A.T.B. and Congregation
Psalm 72 (3 settings) by Jan Bonefaas Psalm 99 (2 settings) by Gradus Wendt
Psalm 118 (2 settings) by Feike Asma Psalm 136 (2 settings) by Hans Boelee
Psalm 138 (2 settings) by Jan Bonefaas Psalm 150 (2 settings) by Hans Boelee
Sheet Music CMR M-101 US$4.00
(10 or more copies: 15 % discount)
N.B. Psalms 99 and 138 are recorded on cassette CMR 102-4; The four other Psalms are recorded on cassette CMR101-4 |
The Genevan Psalms in Harmony
by Claude Goudimel
This book is ideal for churches, organists, choirs, and Christian families. Approximately 450 4-part settings of the Psalms. The melody is both in a Soprano and a Tenor setting, and all the stanzas of the Psalms from the Book of Praise are included.
ISBN 1-894666-66-6 59.95
(15% discount for 6 or more copies!)
The Genevan Psalms in Harmony
by Claude Goudimel
Spiral Bound Copy with loose cover around it. Does not look as nice but stands open flat.
Spiral Copy US$69.99
Perfect Bound copy with only back of cover cut loose to faclitate the book to stay open. It still looks very nice! If used a lot it may rip loose from the front cover (and then you can get it Spiral Bound at Staples etc.)
Back Cut Loose Copy US$59.99

Theresa Janssen Plays the Genevan Psalms
of Claude Goudimel
for you to sing along
(or play along on your favourite solo instrument)
An ideal set of 4 Compact Discs for those who want to learn to sing the Genevan Psalms by heart. Each of the 150 Psalms is played twice, once with the melody in the Soprano and once with the melody in the Tenor. The organ registrations (of the organs at West End Christian Reformed Church, Robertson-Wesley United Church, and Grace Lutheran Church in Edmonton, Alberta) used for each of the Psalms are available at
Registrations of Theresa's Goudimel performance
which can be of great help for (young) organists.
4 Compact Discs CMR 109-112 US$40.00
| |
Cantata: A Mighty Fortress is Our God by Jan Zwart
Sheet Music for Choir S.A.T.B., Organ, & Congregation / Audience
CMR M-114 US$4.00
Recorded on CD CMR 105-2 or Cassette CMR 105-4 |
Comfort Ye - Christmas Cantata
(Sheet Music S.A.T.B.) by Peter Hettinga
About one hour (30 pages) of Christmas Music arranged for Choir, Soloists, Piano/Organ, Congre-gational participation and suggested readings for a Narrator. Includes: Once in Royal David's City; Comfort Ye; How Bright Appears the Morning Star; Behold; Come Thou Long Expected Jesus; Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light; Glory to God; Let Us Go; Pastoral; Angels from the Realms of Glory; O Holy Night; O Come, All Ye Faithful.
CMR PH01 US$7.00
(10 or more copies: 15 % discount)
Jesus Christ Omnipotent
An Easter Cantata for Mixed Choir and Audience
by Peter Hettinga
Subject: Sheet Music for Choir S.A.T.B.
CMR PH02 US$7.00
(10 or more copies: 15 % discount)
Trumpet parts (optional) US$1.00
Abide With Me
(Instrumental Hymns)
Noortje Van Middelkoop, Panflute
Harm Hoeve, Organ
Anja Van Der Maten, Oboe;
Edith & Arjan Post, Trumpets;
Hendrie Westra, Xylophone
C. Van Dam in Clarion: This CD of instrumental hymns will quickly become a family favourite. The music is of a very high quality and the selections played are bound to have a wide appeal (e.g., Genevan, traditional and more modern hymns, as well as some classical such as Handel, Purcell and Mozart). The sensitive opening solo selection, "Abide With Me", by Noortje Van Middelkoop on the panflute is superb and sets the right tone (pardon the pun) for what follows. Together with Harm Hoeve on the organ, this duet brings to new life and vigour tunes one may not have been aware had such potential for sparkle and appeal. Some of the selections also involve Anja Van Der Maten playing the oboe, Edith and Arjan Post with trumpets and Hendrie Westra on the xylophone. All in all a very delightful and uplifting recording which I hope will be enjoyed by many in our midst. In an age of much trash music, a CD such as this needs to be heard in our families. May it also be used to build appreciation for good music.
Abide With Me (Eventide); I Love The Lord (Genevan 116); As a Deer Pants For the Water; Praise the Lord With Drums and Cymbals; With All My Heart (Genevan 138); All Through the Night (Old Welsh Air); Interludium: Prelude in Classic Style; I Need Thee Every Hour (Need); Our Faithful God Makes Plans (Gregor's 112th Metre); Abba Father; Alleluia; Yerushala im Shel Zahav; Trumpet Voluntary; Greensleeves; Great is Thy Faithfulness (Faithfulness); The Lord's My Shepherd (Crimond); There is a Redeemer; Praise Be To The Lord (Rule Britannia); Abide With Me (Eventide).
Compact Disc CMR 106-2 US$21.95
Cassette 106-4 US$14.95
Now Thank We All Our God
(Instrumental Hymns)
Noortje Van Middelkoop, Panflute;
Harm Hoeve, Organ
Anja Van Der Maten, Oboe;
Edith & Arjan Post, Trumpets;
Regina Ederveen, Harp
Alleluia! Alleluia! (Ebenezer); Lead Me Lord; Thine is the Glory (Judas Maccabeus); If You But Let the Father Guide You (Wer Nur den Lieben Gott); Glory Be to God the Father (Regent Square); When Peace Like a River (Ville Du Havre); Lord, Whate'er the Future's Bringing (Beecher); Laudate Dominum; Hallelujah! Praised be the Son; Amazing Grace; Siciliano; The Spacious Heavens (Psalm 19); What God Ordains is Always Right (Was Gott Tut); Standing at the Portal (Hermas); My Jesus, I Love Thee (Gordon); Now Thank We All Our God (Nun Danket)
Compact Disc CMR 107-2 US$21.95
DVD Duo Gavotte
(Noortje Van Middelkoop & Martin Mans)
With this DVD a FREE Compact Disc is included with the same program.
This Dutch DVD (PAL) can be played on most computers but NOT on all North American (NTSC) Television sets!
DVD IRIS 99001 US$39.95
Harm Hoeve Plays the Hinsz-Organ at Bolsward
J. Zwart: Toccata on Psalm 118; G.F. Handel: Arrival of the Queen of Sheba; G.F. Handel: Air (from Watermusic); J.S. Bach: Toccata in F, B.W.V. 540; J.L. Krebs: Trio in F; C.H. Rinck: Variations on Psalm 42; H. Hoeve: Chorale Prelude Psalm 116; H. Hoeve: Glory be to God the Father; etc.
Compact Disc BM 1007-2 US$23.00
Cassette MCBM1007-2 US$11.00
Classical and Sacred Music with Organ, Piano, & Trumpets
God of our Fathers; All Creatures of Our God & King; Psalm 116; Songs of Israel; Concerto for Two Manuals; Thine is the Glory; etc.
Carl Oosterhoff in Reformed Perspective: The program is of a popular character: there are not long, musically profound compositions which might possibly bore the musical layman. Rather, this recording features attractive Psalm and Hymn arrangements as well as popular, easy listening music from the Romantic, Classical, and Baroque periods.
Compact Disc CMR103-2 US$23.00
Cassette CMR103-4 US$11.00
Gouden Koorklanken
Dutch Male Choirs directed by Freddy Veldkamp
On September 7, 2002 the Dutch Reformed Men's Choral Society, directed by Freddy Veldkamp, with Harm Hoeve at the organ, gave a concert in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. A live recording was made and will be included, free of charge, with any order for the C.D. Gouden Koorklanken.
Compact Disc + Free Live Concert C.D. US$23.00
Abide with Me - Panflute & Organ (LP)
Fred Mann, Panflute &
Sander Van Marion, Organ
Largo - Handel, Bourree - Handel, Cantilena - Rheinberger, The Londonderry Air, Roumanian Air, Abide With Me, Arioso - Handel, Melodie in F - Rubinstein, Air - Handel, Traumerei - Schumann, Siciliano Air - Telemann, Standchen - Schubert, Entra'acte Gavotte - Thomas. Only available on 12" LP Record Album.
Instrumental Music Age: 3-99
LP Record CMR 157-1 US$11.00
12" LP Record Album
Holy, Holy, Holy! Piano & Organ (LP)
Loek Van der Leeden, Piano & Jan Van Weelden, Organ
Holy Holy Holy, All Through the Night, Adagio Cantabile - Beethoven, Fantasie on Christmas Carols, Erbarme Dich - Bach, I Will Sing of My Redeemer, Daarboven Juicht een Grote Schaar, Melodie in F - Rubinstein, The Old Rugged Cross, etc.
Only available on 12" LP Record Album.
Instrumental Music Age: 3-99
LP Record CMR 206-1 US$11.00
12" LP Record Album
Gert Oost plays Dutch Organ Music
on the Adema-Steendam Organ at Terneuzen
This CD includes two of the greatest Dutch organ works, composed by Cornelis de Wolf: Psalm 33 & If You But Let the Father Guide You; It also includes Gert Oost: Psalm 92; Bastiaans: Jesu Meine Freude; Cor Kee: Psalm 43.
Compact Disc SOS290460 US$23.00
Jubilate Deo Live - Dutch Choir directed by Jan Mulder
Live Concert with Orchestra accompaniment and Harm Hoeve, Organ.
Compact Disc 399328 US$23.00
Musica Sacra Chorus — A Collection of Hymns and Anthems
Now Let Every Tongue; Sanctus; Thou Shalt Know Him; God Be In My Head; Zion Lift Thine Eyes; Longing for God - Psalm 63; My Heart is Inditing; Upon Thy Right Hand did Stand the Queen; The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want; God So Loved the World; O Sacred Head, Now Wounded; All People That On Earth Do Dwell; Holy Art Thou; Let Thy Holy Spirit; Sound the Trumpet; Holy, Holy, Holy; An Irish Blessing; etc.
CD Musica Sacra 1 US$25.00
Be Thou Exalted Lord
Psalms from the Blue (1959 Edition) Psalter Hymnal
Includes one of each of the 150 Psalms, sung by the Dordt College Chorale and Choir. Accompanied by various organists and the Dordt College Concert Band. Directed by Dale Grotenhuis, Gerald Bouma, and Henry Duitman.
CD Dordt (Set of Six Compact Discs) US$50.00
Psalms of the Trinity Psalter
Scottish Festival Singers — Ian McCrorie, Director — John Langdon, Organist
Psalms 136, 134, 95, 68, 146, 113, 51, 32, 16, 110, 80, 22, 60, 63, 84, 139, 121, 116, 91, 5, 86, 78, 19, 47, 76, 149, 67, 24.
CD IPCP101 US$16.00
Psalms of the Trinity Psalter Volume II
Psalms 117, 147, 138, 148, 8, 150, 46, 124, 103, 15, 27, 25, 34, 38, 42, 129, 106, 89, 1, 23, 37, 119, 90, 127, 128, 87, 133, 66, 72, 98, 100.
CD IPCP102 US$16.00
The Hymns Album — An hour of well-known hymns sung by the Huddersfield Choral Society.
O Worship the King; Praise My Soul the King of Heaven; The Lord's My Shepherd; O Sacred Head; When I Survey the Wondrous Cross; Christ the Lord is Risen Today; Abide With Me; Crown Him With Many Crowns; Hallelujah Sing to Jesus; God So Loved the World; Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah; Eternal Father Strong To Save; The Day Thou Gavest Lord Is Ended.
CD CDMFP6059 US$23.00
Musica Sacra Chorus — With Songs of Rejoicing
Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken; Jesus, Priceless Treasure; Stilling the Tempest; Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing; Sion Hears the Watchman Singing; From Whom All Blessings Flow; O Jesus Grant Me Hope and Comfort; etc.
CD Musica Sacra 2 US$25.00
Handel's Coronation Anthems (performed by the Holland Boys Choir, directed by Sir David Willcocks) are also included in the
Handel Celebration set of 39 CDs and 1 DVD (Handel's Messiah, performed by King's College Choir, Cambridge)
for the nearly unbelievable price of US$143.99
 Handel: Messiah
The recent release of a DVD of this beautiful music, also performed by Choir of King's College, Cambridge, England, caused several customers to request a CD version. This 1973 recording remains one of the best performances of Handel's best known masterpiece. It is a must have in every home!
2 Compact Discs US$44.00
The DVD version of a 1993 performance by
the same choir was Can. US$44.99 but is no longer available by itself.
HOWEVER: It is included in the
Handel Celebration set of 39 CDs and 1 DVD (this one of course)
for the nearly unbelievable price of US$143.99
Handel: Israel in Egypt
Israel in Egypt is also included in the
Handel Celebration set of 39 CDs and 1 DVD (Handel's Messiah, performed by King's College Choir, Cambridge)
for the nearly unbelievable price of US$143.99
George Frideric Handel:
Chandos Anthems (Complete)
The Sixteen Choir & Orchestra - Harry Christophers, Conductor
Four Compact Discs with selections from the Psalms composed by one of the greatest composers who ever lived: Handel!
4 Compact Disc set US$99.00
Let All the World in Every Corner Sing
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind; Love Divine, All Loves Excelling; Praise to the Lord, the Almighty; All My Hope in God is Founded; For all the Saints; etc.
CD LBCD58 US$23.00
Harm Hoeve Plays at Zaltbommel
Chorale Preludes by Harm Hoeve on Psalm 43 & Praise My Soul & Take My Life; Also music by Bach, Handel, Guilmant, Walther, Boyce, Soler, Bonset, Boely, Grison, and Asma.
CD 1404042 US$23.00
Feike Asma Plays Chorale Preludes
at Oude Kerk, Amsterdam
Our favourite Feike Asma CD. Includes Psalms 84 & 92 of Jan Zwart; Psalm 25 of W.H. Zwart; Psalm 43 & Komt als Kind'ren van het Licht & the Evensong of Feike Asma.
CD FECD109 US$23.00
Feike Asma Plays Mendelssohn
at Oude Kerk, Amsterdam
The last recording of Feike Asma. Includes the majestic Sonata VI on Vater Unser im Himmelreich (the Lord's Prayer)
CD FECD093 US$23.00
Herman Van Vliet Plays the Witte Organ at the Buurkerk, Utrecht
Music by Ravel, Widor, Batiste, & Guilmant
CD FECD108 US$23.00
Willem Van Twillert Plays His Chorale Preludes
Psalms 138, 101, 68, 134 (Old 100th), 117, 98, Song of Simeon, etc.
CD FECD126 US$23.00
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Last modified: June 26, 2016