Church History by P.K. Keizer
Mary Pride in The Big Book of Home Learning, vol. 3: [Keizer] . . . neither overloads the student nor skips over anything important . . . The writing is interesting and pious from a solidly Reformed Protestant viewpoint and does the teenager the great service of distilling the lives and teachings of many important people in a form he can remember . . . An excellent resource.
Time: a.d. 33-1970 Age: 13-99
ISBN 0-921100-02-7 US$12.95
7000 Shall Remain
by A. Van der Jagt
Some important topics of early Christian history
Nearly all chapters in this book deal with the less known aspects and contradictory issues of particular events, which happened prior to the Reformation of 1517. Hopefully, this will lead to exciting discussions in study groups and, maybe, even within family circles.
Time: about 4000 b.c. - a.d. 1500 Age: 12-99
9781928136842 - US$ 14.90
The Romance of Protestantism by Deborah Alcock
The Romance of Protestantism addresses one of the most damaging and (historically) effective slanders against the Reformed faith, which is that it is cold and doctrinaire. What a delight to find a book which documents the true warmth of the Protestant soul. I recommend this book highly.
Douglas Wilson, editor of Credenda/Agenda
Time: 1300-1700 Age: 12-99
ISBN 0-921100-88-4 US$ 12.95
The Trial and Burning of John Huss by Fra Poggius
An eyewiness account by a Member of the Council of Constance
This book is a moving eye-witness account written by one of the Roman Catholic officials who accompanied Huss during the ordeal, and was greatly influenced by his conduct and his testimony.
Time: 1414-1415 Age: 16-99
ISBN 0-921716-10-9 US$7.95
Christian England by David L. Edwards
Its Story to the Reformation
Time: a.d. 360-1540 Age: 16-99
ISBN 0-19-520229-5 US$16.95
John Calvin: Genius of Geneva
by Lawrence Penning
A Popular Account of the Life and Times of John Calvin
Penning shows the Life of Calvin against the turbulence, religious unrest, and intellectual ferment of the times, when Europe stormed with Reformation and Counter Reformation, and traces the incredible full life and work of the man who was not only the greatest of the of the sixteenth century Reformers, but who was the greatest man of his age. Here we see too, the man Calvin: a man of infinite tenderness as well as of great temper; one who despised money for himself, but who thought it very important when counseling a friend entertaining thoughts of marriage.
Time: 1509-1564 Age:15-99
ISBN 1-894666-77-1 US$19.95
Secession, Doleantie, and Union 1834 - 1892
by Hendrik Bouma
. . . Bouma the story-teller charms us with a moving story about ecumenicity's outward, public side. . . In good Dutch Reformed style, Rev. Bouma wants things out in the open.
From the Introduction by Nelson D. Kloosterman
Subject: Church History Age: 14-99
ISBN 0-921100-36-1 US$15.95
Patrimony Profile 1795-1946
by W.W.J. Van Oene
Our Reformed Heritage Retraced
The inheritance of the Canadian Reformed Churches is retraced in the Netherlands from 1795 on, via Secession (1834), Doleantie (1886), Union (1892), and Liberation (1944).
Subject: Church History Age: 15-99
ISBN 0-88756-073-3 US$29.00
Unity of the Church by Thomas M`Crie
G. Van Rongen in Una Sancta: There is a parallel between the Scottish circumstances of those days and the situation in church life here in Australia, in The Netherlands, in Canada, in the United States, and in South-Africa, where correspondence or oral discussions are taking place between different church groups. . . Although he belonged to a Church that could be called a split-off-from-a-split-off, M`Crie was deeply interested in Church unity. . . Therefore we may be able to learn something about the unity of the Church from the actual text of M`Crie's book.
Subject: Ecclesiastical Unity Age: 16-99
Cat. Nr. IP 1356 US$19.90

We are very pleased to have a limited number of used copies (only a few with a dust-jacket: first come first serve) of this beautiful book published in 1956 available. Though it was intended in the first place for Christian Reformed Readers in the 1950s, 90% of it is also the history of the Protestant Reformed, Canadian Reformed, and Free Reformed Churches.
VAN HALSEMA, THEA B. - I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH - USED - 0000000793 - $ 20.00
Out of print from the original publisher / but WE have still some copies left!

A jewel about the Secession of 1834 in the Netherlands and the beginning of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Reads like a novel!
US$ 29.95
Drenthe in Michigan by H.J. Prakke
The two Drenthes a province in The Netherlands, and a community in Western Michigan are in some respects prototypes of countless emigrations that make up the American experience. In this book, Prakke examines in detail the genesis of one such emigrant movement.
Time: 1847 Age: 17-99
ISBN 0-8028-0001-7 US$8.95
Fifty Years in the Church Of Rome by Charles Chiniquy
The Unabridged Reprint of the Revised and Complete Edition of 1914
Charles Chiniquy, noted author of Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, was converted to Jesus Christ after serving in the Roman Catholic priesthood for twenty-five years. As a priest he earned the confidence and love of the people and special marks of approbation and favour from his superiors (including the Supreme Pontiff). For reasons drawn from the Word of God he withdrew from the Church of Rome, publicly renouncing her distinctive dogmas. As a faithful minister of the Gospel he suffered many trials at the hand of the Adversary, narrowly escaping death on several occasions. As a soldier of the Cross he warred a good warfare for the King of kings and Lord of lords. In his ninetieth year Charles Chiniquy peacefully fell asleep in Jesus, after faithfully serving "Forty Years in the Church of Christ."
Subject: Biography 1809-1899 Age: 16-99
ISBN 978-1-928136-70-5 US$29.90
Forty Years in the Church of Christ
by Charles Chiniquy, D.D.
Charles Chiniquy, noted author of Fifty Years in the Church of Rome, was converted to Jesus Christ after serving in the Roman Catholic priesthood for twenty-five years. As a priest he earned the confidence and love of the people and special marks of approbation and favour from his superiors (including the Supreme Pontiff). For reasons drawn from the Word of God he withdrew from the Church of Rome, publicly renouncing her distinctive dogmas. As a faithful minister of the Gospel he suffered many trials at the hand of the Adversary, narrowly escaping death on several occasions. As a soldier of the Cross he warred a good warfare for the King of kings and Lord of lords. In his ninetieth year Charles Chiniquy peacefully fell asleep in Jesus, after faithfully serving "Forty Years in the Church of Christ."
Time: 1809-1899 Age: 16-99
IP07608 US$17.95
James Chalmers: His Autobiography and Letters by Richard Lovet
An unabridged reprint of the Fifth Edition of 1903
James Chalmers, the missionary, was a remarkable man from every point of view. His personality attracted every one who met him. The mere narrative of his actions and experiences reads like a romance. Hence it is not surprising that in the course of a few months three large editions should have been exhausted.One gratifying feature has been the hearty welcome accorded to the book by all sections of the Protestant Church, and by all kinds of papers in the press of Great Britain, the Colonies, and the United States. Papers that rarely devote a line to missionary intelligence have exhorted their readers to get this book ‘because it is more interesting than any novel ’ and the official organs of bodies as widely sundered in some respects as the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, the Church Missionary Society, the United Free Church of Scotland, and the Baptist Missionary Society, have urged their readers to study this volume, and from it refresh their missionary knowledge and missionary enthusiasm.
Subject: Biography 1841-1901 Age: 14-99
ISBN 978-1-928136-80-4 US$26.90
Abraham Kuyper by Frank Vanden Berg
A Biography
Abraham Kuyper was one of Holland’s foremost leaders in politics, education, and the church from 1865 to 1917, a period of over 50 years. His influence is still felt today in his native land and in many other countries.
Kuyper is unique in that he carried on parallel careers in separate major fields, both as a thinker and as a doer. He carried a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other, for he was both a builder and a battler. His followers loved him with warm, undying devotion, while his enemies hated him as they hated no one else.
This biography, which is aimed at the general reader, gives us a running account of Kuyper’s 83 years on earth. It outlines his personal history and sketches the background whenever the scene shifts to a new phase in Kuyper’s many-sided career.
Subject: Biography 1837-1920 Age: 14-99
ISBN 978-1-928136-77-4 US$16.90
The Practice of Political Spirituality
by McKendree R. Langley
Episodes from the public career of
Abraham Kuyper, 1879-1918
"In an age in which Christians sense a growing warfare with secular humanism, McKendree R. Langley's thorough study of Abraham Kuyper's largely successful application of Christian political ideas to Dutch life is extraordinarily valuable." Joel Nederhood.
Time: 1879-1918 Age: 16-99
ISBN 0-88815-070-9 US$9.95
The Church Preserved Through Fires by S.G. Hur
A History of the Presbyterian Church in Korea
Rev. G. Van Rongen wrote: This book was written by the right person. Dr. Hur became the minister of the Korean Presbyterian Church of Sumoonlo on November 14, 1962. He must have had some special interest in Church history. It was therefore not strange that in the year 1970 he was appointed as professor of Church History at the Korea Theological Seminary at Busan.
. . . I am pleased to recommend the reading of this book. It gives a clear picture of the impressive work of our Lord in Korea. In great detail Dr. Hur describes the wondrous way in which the Saviour led His church to freedom and therewith to being of benefit to Korea's national life.
Time: 1860-2000 Age:15-99
ISBN 1-894666-78-x US$17.95
Johannes C. Sikkel: A Pioneer in Social Reform by R.H. Bremmer
To use Sikkel's words, "We Christians have the calling to proceed, to explore the way, if possible to clear the way, and in love to bring to our fellowmen the witness to the way of God. We Christians must believe that God lives, and that His grace is able to triumph over the spirit of evil. And in faith and with zeal, we must prayerfully look to the victory."
Time: 1856-1920 Age: 14-99
ISBN 0-921100-89-2 US$6.95
R.B. A Prophet in the Land by Edward Heerema
A biography of Rienk Bouke Kuiper, Preacher - Theologian - Churchman. P.Y. De Jong: This book had to appear. It is well written. It makes R.B. come alive. It reminds the reader of the tremendous impact which his life and labors have made on the Reformed community.
Subject: Biography Age: 14-99
ISBN 0-88815-054-7 US$9.95
The Church in the Twentieth Century
by L. Praamsma
The Church in the world that's the central theme of this stimulating survey of the fortunes of God's people in the twentieth century. Dr. Praamsma shows that our world is in turmoil; he highlights the warfare, upheaval, revolution, political confusion, and moral degeneration. The Church stands in the midst of this turmoil with a message of hope and redemption.
Time: 1900-1975 Age: 13-99
ISBN 0-88815-041-5 US$14.95
Schilder's Struggle for the Unity of the Church by Rudolf Van Reest
Klaas Schilder is remembered both for his courageous stand in opposition to Nazism, which led to his imprisonment three months after the Nazis overran The Netherlands in 1940, and for his role in the Church struggle in The Netherlands, which culminated in 1944 with the suspension of scores of office-bearers and the formation of the liberated Reformed Churches.
Thomas Vanden Heuvel in The Outlook: I strongly recommend this book for everyone interested in the preservation of and propagation of the Reformed faith.
Time: 1890-1952 Age: 16-99
Paperback ISBN 1-894666-79-8 US$19.95
Cloth ISBN 1-894666-79-8 US$29.90
A Theatre in Dachau by Hermanus Knoop
In the concentration camp of Dachau the God of all grace did wonders of grace by His Word and Spirit every day. Oh, it was indeed a dreadful time for me that I spent there, and yet it is not at all a hollow phrase when I say that I would for no amount of money have missed this time of my life, since it was so unspeakably rich in grace. I saw God there. The Lord was in this place. It was a house of God and a gate of heaven.
Time: 1940-1943 Age: 14-99
ISBN 0-921100-20-5 US$14.95
My Path to Liberation
by Douwe Van Dijk
Reflections on My Life in the Ministry of the Word of God
J. Bruning in Una Sancta of August 7, 2004: . . . In short, Rev van Dijk provides you with a realistic picture of the Church and its struggles, and encouragement to deal with current issues in a Scriptural and Church orderly manner. . . . I learned much from this book. Although written in a personal and easy style, it is a treasure for (future) office bearers and very educational for all who love the church. From time to time we hear the phrase "we have a rich Reformed heritage". This book definitely conveys some aspects of this heritage and will enrich you; it will also arm you.
Time: 1890-1960 Age: 16-99
ISBN 0-921100-26-4 US$19.95
Mandate Maintained by H. Van Tongeren
The Liberation of 1944 in a Nutshell
1. Which assembly in the Church has been endowed with the highest authority?
The consistory.
2. Why is the consistory the highest assembly of the Church?
Because the Lord Jesus Christ officially constituted the jurisdiction over the congregation in the consistory.
3. Where is this found in Holy Scripture?
Acts 20:28, addressed to the elders at Ephesus reads as follows: “Thus take heed to yourselves, and to the whole flock, over which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers to pasture the congregation of God, which He obtained by His own blood.”
“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens: and whatever you will bind on the earth, will be bound in the heavens, and whatever you will loose on the earth, will be loosed in the heavens.” —Matthew 16:19
Time: 1890-1960 Age: 14-99
ISBN 978-1-894666-83-1 - US$ 9.90
VAN DOOREN, G - AND WE ESCAPED - VAN DOOREN, G. - 9780980912203 - US$ 17.95
Inheritance Preserved by W.W.J. Van Oene
The Canadian Reformed Churches and Free Reformed Churches of Australia in Historical Perspective
This book describes how these Reformed Churches have preserved the inheritance received from their forefathers. Continuing in the line of Calvin and Dordrecht, acknowledging the Word of God as their only rule, and honouring the Covenant, by the sign of which they have been marked as Christ's own, they have been preserved by the Head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Time: 1834-1990 Age: 13-99
ISBN 0-88756-052-0 Cloth US$24.75
A Furrow Laid Bare
Neerlandia District History
The history of a small, but unique, Dutch community in Canada. A distinct Dutch / Canadian Settlement from 1912 with a strong Calvinistic / Reformed tradition with a Canadian Reformed Church and Christian Reformed Church. Includes sections on its Flora and Fauna, Early Sojourners, Settlers Arrive, Depression, The War Years, Post War Immigration, The Generations (family histories), Community Growth, etc. Includes many pioneer stories as well as the stories of many later immigrants. The last immigrant story is about the founder of Inheritance Publications, Roelof Janssen.
Time: 1911-1984 Age: 8-99
ISBN 0-921100-85-X Cloth US$80.00
Many Grains . . . One Bread
The History of the Canadian Reformed Church
and School at Carman, Manitoba
It is the Lord who gathered and gathers, defended and defends, preserved and preserves for Himself a Church of which we here in Carman have been and may be living members. So then let us call to mind the deeds of the Lord and remember His wonders . . . He bestowed upon us His steadfast love and faithfulness, not based on something we have achieved but based only on His own sovereign good pleasure . . . from the Preface
Time: 1950-1989 Age: 10-99
Cat. Nr. IP 0955 Cloth US$39.95
The Liberation: Causes and Consequences
Edited by Cornelis Van Dam
The Struggle in the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands in the 1940s
The Canadian Reformed Churches are heirs of the ecclesiastical liberation of 1944. This book will greatly help both those within and outside the Canadian Reformed Churches to understand these churches.
Subject: Church History Age: 16-99
ISBN 0-88756-058-X US$9.90
Seeking Our Brothers in the Light: A Plea for Reformed Ecumenicity - Edited by Theodore Plantinga
Al Bezuyen in Revival: The book should well serve office bearers and lay people interested in closer contact with the liberated Churches. The work is not exhaustive but rather functions as a spring board from which further study can find a solid beginning and seeks to clear the water that must be entered if ecumenical relations are to take place between the CRC and American / Canadian Reformed Churches.
Subject: Ecclesiastical Unity / History Age: 15-99
ISBN 0-921100-48-5 US$7.95
Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis Edited by John Bolt
Essays presented at a Conference at Redeemer College, Hamilton, Ontario by Nelson Kloosterman, John Van Dyk, Henry Vander Goot, Gordon Spykman, etc.
Subject: Doctrinal struggles Age: 18-99
ISBN 0-88815-114-4 US$9.95
The Challenge of Church Union
Edited by Cornelis Van Dam
Speeches and Discussions on Reformed Identity and Ecumenicity
Should all those who profess the same faith not be in one church? What has kept the Canadian Reformed and Free Reformed separate? Is it a justified separation? What about the Orthodox Christian Reformed Churches and the Independent Churches? Should all these churches not work towards unity?
Subject: Ecclesiastical Unity Age: 15-99
ISBN 0-88756-055-5 US$8.50
The Challenge of Being Reformed Today
Edited by Johannes Mulder
Speeches and Discussions on The Attraction of Evangelicalism by Gerhard H. Visscher and The Beauty of Being Reformed by Jelle Faber
Is it still considered a privilege to be Reformed? Why do evangelical churches attract many Reformed believers to visit their services or join them? It can not be denied that many Reformed churches have seen serious Christians leave their ranks to join evangelical or Baptist congregations. That begs the question: Is the Reformed faith missing something essential? What is in fact the difference between Reformed and evangelical? Can we learn something from each other?
Subject: Ecclesiastical Faithfulness Age: 15-99
ISBN 0-88756-075-X US$8.50