November 2015
Reformation Starts at Home
This Month’s Special package price for the below books is U.S.$99.00 / Can.$125.00
Regular Price: U.S. US$132.75 / Can. US$140.55 |
If there is one thing the recent Canadian elections has taught us it is the extent of unbelief. If all Canadians who claim to be Pro Life had voted for Pro Life candidates, we likely would have had a coalition government today of the Conservative and Christian Heritage Parties. Why did that not happen? Unbelief. Do we really believe that God is in control?
Reformation starts at home, in the family. Do you use the tools of Reformation?
By God’s grace we, at Inheritance Publications, may provide them for you and your children. Let me start this time with the tools for your children AND you.

Abraham’s Sacrifice by Cor Van Rijswijk is one of three books that YOU should read to YOUR CHILDREN or GRANDCHILDREN.
It will likely REFORM both YOU and THEM. So far there are two more books of that series (The Word of the King Series) in English. |
Subject: Bible / Abraham Age: 4-8 Retail Price: US$9.95

William of Orange, The Silent Prince by W.G. Van de Hulst is an other book that EVERYONE should read. By God’s grace, William was an instrument that changed the world. |
Subject: William of Orange Time: 1533-1584 Age: 7-99 Retail Price: US$11.95

A Theatre in Dachau by Hermanus Knoop is an eye opener about World War II and the Church for teenagers and adults both. Get it and give it to you teenage children and grandchildren. And PLEASE do not forget to read it yourself. |
Time: 1940-1943 Age: 18-99 ISBN 978-0-921100-20-5 Retail Price: US$14.95

The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert & Openess Unhindered by Rosaria Butterfield are two of the MOST IMPORTANT books recently published. Rosaria, an ex-lesbian, is perfectly right when, in passing, she also stresses the importance of singing Psalms. |
Secret Thoughts: Retail Price: US$13.00

The DVD (and CD, which is included) of the Children of Asaph choir, With Joyful Psalm and Song, contains 18 Genevan Psalms, Psalms which stem back right to the time of the Reformation. The first act of reformation in all churches AND HOMES should be to return to the singing Psalms. |
DVD Video (+ free audio CD) Subject: Genevan Psalms Number IPDVD 113-9 Retail Price: US$29.95

Do YOU want REFORMATION in your Home, Church, and State? Klaas Schilder’s meditations (divided over 366 days!) in Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrhe will help you, and especially YOUR MINISTER, to lead the way. |
4 Volume Price: $39.95
If you would order the above 9 books and 1 DVD separately, you would have to pay U.S.$132.75 or Can.$140.55 (After Nov. 30, 2015 Canadian prices for many titles will increase drastically).
This Month’s Special package price for the above books is U.S.$99.00 / Can.$125.00
To view our 2014 Titles, please click here.
To view our 2015 Titles, please visit here.
Order with friends to save on shipping! Any order above US$250.00 in North America receives free shipping.
. . . showing to the generations to come the praises of the LORD . . . (Ps. 78:4b)