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American Secession Theologians on Covenant
and Baptism by Jelle Faber
Extra-Scriptural Binding - A New
Danger by Klaas
Jelle Tuininga in
Christian Renewal
: . . . The main purpose of Schilder was to dissuade and discourage Hoeksema (and the Prot. Ref.
Churches) from adopting the so-called Brief Declaration. Schilder saw this, correctly I believe, as
an "extra Scriptural binding" which would only lead to separate church federations instead of
unity. . . I am happy that the publisher has made these essays available in English to a larger
audience. The more so, because they deal with important issues which are now coming to the surface
again. We must be informed on such salient points.
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E-Book Edition
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Essays in Reformed
Doctrine by Dr. J.
Cecil Tuininga in
Christian Renewal
: This book is easy reading as far as the English goes. It can, I judge, be read by all with great
profit. . . I found the first chapter on
The Significance of Dogmatology for the Training of the
excellent. The six essays on the Church I found very informative and worthwhile. . . What
makes this book so valuable is that Dr. Faber deals with all the aspects of the Reformed faith from
a strictly biblical and confessional viewpoint.
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please click here.
E-Book Edition
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Gold, Frankincense, and
Myrrh by Dr. K.
Schilder Daily Meditations on the Bible for Reformation of Family,
Church, and State.
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please click here.
E-Book Edition
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Schilder's Struggle for
the Unity of the Church by Rudolf Van
Klaas Schilder is remembered both for his courageous stand in opposition to Nazism, which led to
his imprisonment three months after the Nazis overran The Netherlands in 1940, and for his role in
the Church struggle in The Netherlands, which culminated in 1944 with the suspension of scores of
office-bearers and the formation of the liberated Reformed Churches. For more information, or to view the
printed book, please click here.
E-Book Edition
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Inheritance Publications" after payment has been accepted in order to download the