The Baron of Salgas and Other Huguenot Stories by Sabine Malpach & Deborah Alcock Short Huguenot Stories The Cross and the Crown (by Deborah Alcock) tells about a man by the name of Gabriel Vaur.
After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685), life once again became very dangerous for
the Huguenots in France. When the Dragonnades came, Gabriel tried to get help, leaving his
father, sister, and brother behind. Would he ever see them again? Would he ever be able to
flee France and reach England? The Baron of Salgas (by Sabine Malplach) is the true story of the Baron and Baroness de
Salgas. Even though her husband forbids her to be an open Huguenot, the Baroness knows that
her Saviour had said that whoever would deny Him would be denied by Him. So one night she made
her escape to Geneva. Would her husband follow? Would he recant? What would happen to their
sons who were taken to the convents? The Carpenter of Nîmes (by
Deborah Alcock) goes back more than a century to the year 1569 and tells about a man named
Jacques Maderon. When the pastor tells him that Christ had said, "Son, go work today in My
vineyard," he knows it is time to do something. Then the father of his friend was imprisoned.
Would he succeed to cut the bars of the gate and so make way for the Huguenots to enter the
city and deliver it?
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By Far Euphrates by Deborah Alcock
A Tale on Armenia in the 19th century
Alcock has provided sufficient graphics describing the atrocities committed against the Armenian
Christians to make the reader emotionally moved by the intense suffering these Christians endured
at the hands of Muslim Turks and Kurds. At the same time, the author herself has confessed to not
wanting to provide full detail, which would take away from the focus on how those facing death did
so with peace, being confident they would go to see their LORD, and so enjoy eternal peace. As such
it is not only an enjoyable novel, but also encouraging reading. These Christians were determined
to remain faithful to their God, regardless of the consequences.
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book, please click here.
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The Crown of Honour by L.
R.M. in
Chalcedon Report
: This book is about an illegitimate girl whose mother died when she was born, and no one knows who
her father is. She grows up in an orphanage, and she goes through many hardships and is treated
poorly because she is illegitimate. The few people she loves are taken away from her. Because of
all her trials, she thinks God is against her, and so, in rebellion, she refuses to go to church or
pray. However, the prayers of an old man who loves and prays for her are answered and she realizes
. . . a wonderful story.
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click here.
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Crushed Yet
Conquering by Deborah
Alcock A Story of Constance and
Bohemia A gripping story filled with accurate historical facts
about John Huss and the Hussite wars. Hardly any historical novel can be more captivating and
edifying than this book. Even if Deborah Alcock was not the greatest of nineteenth century
authors, certainly she is our most favourite. — Roelof & Theresa Janssen
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book, please click here.
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The Czar by Deborah
Alcock A Tale of the Time of
the First Napoleon
Ivan Ivanovitch Pojarsky, an orphaned Russian Prince, adopted by loyal people in the village of
Nicolofsky meets the great Czar Alexander of Russia while the Czar does his best to bring back to
life a seemingly dead carpenter. This historical fact, and many others related in this captivating
story, gives a very accurate picture of the life in Russia during the time of Napoleon.
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Done and Dared in Old France by Deborah Alcock A Huguenot Story Description
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printed book, please click here.
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Hubert Ellerdale by W. Oak
Rhind A Tale of the Days of
Wycliffe Christine
Farenhorst in Christian
Renewal: Christians often tend to look on the
Reformation as the pivotal turning point in history during which the Protestants took off the
chains of Rome. This small work of fiction draws back the curtains of history a bit further
than Luther's theses. Wycliffe was the morning star of the Reformation and his band of
Lollards a band of faithful men who were persecuted because they spoke out against salvation
by works. Hubert Ellerdale was such a man and his life (youth, marriage, and death), albeit
fiction, is set parallel to Wycliffe's and Purvey's. Rhind writes with pathos and the reader can readily identify
with his lead characters. This novel deserves a well-dusted place in a home, school, or church
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book, please click here.
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Israel's Hope and Expectation by Rudolf Van Reest
The story takes place around the time of Jesus' birth. It is written by someone who has done his
research about the times between the Old and New Testament period. The author informs you in an
easy style about the period of the Maccabees. . . Van Reest is a good storyteller. His love for the
Bible and biblical times is evident from the start. He shows a good knowledge of the customs and
mannerisms in Israel. Many fine details add to the quality of the book. You will be enriched in
your understanding of the ways in the Old Testament. For more information, or to view the printed book, please
click here.
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P.M.1 Little White Farm House in Iowa by Carol Brands A Fictionalized Biography of Katherine Vastenhout (the first ten
years) Description
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P.M.2 Little Yellow Farm House in Iowa by Carol Brands A Fictionalized Biography of Katherine
(years eleven through seventeen: the WWII
years) When the Kroontje family moved into their second tiny
house, they had no idea that within months of their move Uncle Bill Tilstra would be assigned
to theUSS Arizona, the first ship Japan bombed in Pearl Harbor. Nor did they know
Uncle Bill's ships would be destroyed – but that he would be spared from death in ways that
were clearly God's providential care . . . yet so horrific that he hated talking about the
war. While war loomed in the background, Uncle Bill always
on the family's mind, Katherine's farm life continued with a mixture of stories – some
humorous, some serious, some full of neighborliness, some with
tragedy. Join the Kroontje family — living daily life on an
Iowa farm even while World War II is being fought across the oceans. For more information, or to view the printed book, please
click here.
E-Book Edition
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Inheritance Publications" after payment has been accepted in order to download the
P.M.3 Strangers in Minnesota by Carol Brands A Fictionalized
Biography of Katherine Vastenhout
(years eighteen through twenty: the romance
years) “I am a stranger here, within a foreign land, My home
is far away, upon a golden strand...” When Katherine and her family moved from their tiny
home near Rock Rapids, Iowa, to a new home near Magnolia, Minnesota, this is how
Katherine felt her first Sunday in a new church. She felt lost, totally bereft of friends and
familiarity. What had she and her family done? They had left everything near and dear behind
to start completely over! Would she ever be able to fit in? To find friends? To
feel like she belonged . . .?
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click here.
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Schilder's Struggle for the Unity of the Church by Rudolf Van Reest
Klaas Schilder is remembered both for his courageous stand in opposition to Nazism, which led to
his imprisonment three months after the Nazis overran The Netherlands in 1940, and for his role in
the Church struggle in The Netherlands, which culminated in 1944 with the suspension of scores of
office-bearers and the formation of the liberated Reformed Churches. For more information, or to view the
printed book, please click here.
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The Spanish Brothers by
Deborah Alcock A Tale of the
Sixteenth Century Description
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book, please click here.
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Under Calvin's Spell by
Deborah Alcock A Tale of the Heroic Times in
Old Geneva Description
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printed book, please click here.
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Under the Inquisition by
Elizabeth H. Walshe A Story of
the Reformation in Italy
"You have forgotten that you should confess Christ’s Name; and do you not remember, O deluded
people, that whoever confesses not Christ upon earth, shall be denied by Him before His Father and
the holy angels? Certainly you are not alone in this backsliding. There may be some in our valleys
of the Alps who carry with them certificates that they are genuine papists, and have their children
baptized by priests with all the mummeries of superstition, yes, and go to the so-called sacrifice
of the mass, openly bowing the knee to Baal, that they may be seen of men; and they excuse
themselves — verily a fancied excuse! — by saying secretly when they enter the mass house, ‘Cave of
robbers, may God confound you!’ I have heard that similar practices extend even here.
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book, please click here.
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William & Mary Trilogy #1: I Will
Maintain by Marjorie
Bowen Description
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book, please click here.
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William & Mary Trilogy #2: Defender of the
Faith by Marjorie
Bowen Description
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book, please click here.
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William & Mary Trilogy #3: For God and the
King by Marjorie
Bowen Description
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book, please click here.
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