Subject: Guido de
1522-1567 Age: 12-99
ISBN 978-0-921100-10-2 Retail Price: US$9.95
Trust God, Keep the
by Bartha Hill - de Bres
The Story of Guido de Bres
During the late sixteenth century the Reformation
was sweeping across Europe. As the Bible became a loved book by the common man, many people questioned the beliefs
and practices of the Roman Catholic Church at the perils of their lives. By torture and cruel deaths the priests
attempted to return these “rebels” to the church.In the midst of this battle Guido de Bres lived as he died —
trusting God and keeping the faith.Nearly five hundred years have passed since he was born, but the confession of
faith written by Guido de Bres — a wonderful summary of God’s Word — continues to live on in the lives of Reformed
people around the world.This book, written by one of his descendants, is about Guido de Bres. It describes the time
in which he lived, and the confession of faith God allowed him to write. Though intended for older children it also
will be enjoyed by adults.