Gold, Frankincense,
and Myrrh
Daily Meditations on the Bible
by Klaas Schilder
"For whoever has, to him more will be given." For this reason the wise men came to honour the King with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But that was only at the hour of promise. Promises are not expensive. Yet, how God tested them when they found the Child! There was no throne for Him. And there were no people either. Their star did not rest above a palace. Then in their hearts they thought of another truth, "Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away." They would not have said it in these words, yet the question would have burned in their hearts, "Should we take the treasures back again? The King is not what we dreamt . . ." But God overcame them: they truly opened their treasure bags for Him and all was indeed for Him! The wise men understood that it is easy to imagine giving gifts to a Lord of our imagination, but it is difficult to give treasures to a King who makes no effort to be as we considered Him to be.
from the meditation of January 1
4 volumes
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Audio Book on
24 Compact Discs CAD$69.95
DVD-ROM with MP3 Files & Ebooks
with both the English and Dutch editions of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
met zowel de Nederlandse en Engelse edities van Goud, Wierook en Myrrhe
by / door
Klaas Schilder
More than 60hours of Biblical education on more than 800 audio files
(includes also all complete articles on MP3 files -- undivided -- of the longer mediatations that are divided for the daily meditations)
Meditations are read in Dutch and English by Roelof A. Janssen
Includes Schilders own voice in the Dutch edition of Your Ecumenical Task
Heeft ook een MP3 versie van de originele toespraak van Klaas Schilder
Uw Oecumenische Taak, zoals uitgezonden in 1951 op de Radio
SCHILDER, KLAAS - GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 1 - 9781894666848 - CAD$ 13.95
GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 2 - 9781894666855 - CAD$ 13.95
SCHILDER, KLAAS - GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 3 - 9781894666862 - CAD$ 13.95
SCHILDER, KLAAS - GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 4 - 9781894666879 - CAD$ 13.95
by Klaas Schilder read by Roelof A Janssen Translated from the Dutch into English. The original Dutch version is also available on CD and included on both the above-mentioned DVD and the DVD with PDF files of De Reformatie. . . . so good, so encouraging, so Scriptural, the best speech Ive ever heard. Also included on CD: Stigmatized & Princes and Nobles by Klaas Schilder CAD$6.00 |
Editie / Dutch Edition
Nederlandse Editie / Dutch Edition
9781894666350 - CAD$ 59.95
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For sample pages of the meditations in HTML format for Jan. 1 - 10 click here
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh December 27-31 in English
Goud, wierook en myrrhe in het Nederlands 27-31 December
"Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; and consider that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him, has written to you, as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures." 2 Peter 3:14-16.
These inspired words of Peter can also, in a lesser sense, be applied to the beautiful meditations of Klaas Schilder, possibly the most important reformer of Church and society of the 20th century. Though his style may indeed be somewhat difficult, one will be hard pressed to find even one meditation that will not, even at the first reading, provide encouragement and direction for our daily life with God. Upon second, third, and fourth readings they will reveal more and more the riches of the Word of God.
It is with great gratitude to the Lord that we may introduce this first book of reformational and life-changing meditations. Klaas Schilder, who dedicated his whole life to the service of the Lord and to the ongoing reformation of His Church, reveals in this book the importance of ongoing regeneration in the life of a Christian as well.
The translation and publication of these meditations is a direct result of apostasy taking place in the Church today. That the Lord Jesus Christ may be in the process of removing the candlestick from Churches that were faithful Churches of Him only decades ago, may be clear to anyone who with a God-fearing mind will reflect upon these meditations. Brothers and sisters in Christ should sincerely and openly discuss matters about the Church today. In Your Ecumenical Task, a speech given in 1951 at a League Day of Young Women Societies, Schilder said, "Whoever readmits or flirts with a heresy that has been condemned by the ecumenical Church at any one time removes himself from the first and oldest ecumenical movement, willed by God."
The state of the Church today over against faithful decisions of synods which are not even overturned but simply neglected, while contrary decisions are accepted, can be clear to all. The Church is in need of ongoing reformation.
In De Reformatie of Nov. 12, 1926, Klaas Schilder announced the publication of the first part of Goud, Wierook en Myrrhe (Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh) in his Bijbelsch Dagboek (literally: Biblical Day Book, or, Daily Meditations on the Bible).
He wrote:
"Publication of this work has not yet progressed beyond the first installment of 32 pages plus the preceding introduction etc. The other installments will follow, God willing, regularly."
Two more monthly installments were published. Besides them Schilder completed 12 more meditations (he likely would have preferred calling them Reflections Upon Scripture) for the fourth installment which, however, never was published. He also left several other meditations which were likely to have been included as well.
When reading these beautiful and penetrating meditations one may well be wondering, "Why was this work not completed?" Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that these soul-searching meditations needed to be read three or four times before the full meaning dawned on the reader. Certainly, there are enough thoughts to captivate the attention when read the first time, but the reader will likely want to read them shortly after again. Thousands of readers of De Reformatie very much appreciated Schilders writings about matters concerning Church and world, but some would have found his meditations (regularly printed in De Reformatie) too difficult and perhaps too long. They may not have realized that Schilder, in Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh, had disciplined himself very much to keep the meditations brief and to the point. And though they may still have been somewhat longer than often found in daily "devotionals", most readers would not have been bothered by the length because of the rich contents.
In his introduction Schilder wrote: "It is common among us to question whether a book of daily readings, also when it introduces itself as a book of daily readings on the Bible, would perhaps suppress the reading of the Bible itself. Now he who writes such a book with the intention to help bring the Bible closer into our lives will only rejoice at this question and the desire to maintain the prominent place of the Bible. It also gives him a sense of peace that such people, when they consider this matter so seriously, realize the legitimate place of the Bible in their lives. For he knows that the suppressing of peoples Bible reading is only left to the practice of the readers themselves. For he who loves the Bible with a strong and sincere love will not allow anything to take the place of Holy Scripture. On the other hand, he who allows a book of daily readings to replace the Bible will without doubt not yet have given the Bible its honourable place in his life. For this reason the author of this book is not concerned that it will suppress the Bible for any of its readers. The power of Holy Scripture is too great for that. He will only be delighted if every day, this work gives something so that the Bible is once again impressed upon the readers understanding and conscience.
To stimulate this impression he did not add a schedule of regular Bible readings for his readers. The daily opening of Holy Scripture in the homes remains a matter of the families, where particular circumstances may dictate a plan of action.
The author has only indicated for each day a particular portion of Scripture as introduction and further explanation of the meditation. Each daily reading is concluded by one or more lines printed in italics, to consider as the leading thought or conclusion of the meditation."
The first 106 meditations from January 1 - April 15 were specifically written (or re-written) by Klaas Schilder for this book. Since this book in Dutch was discontinued, the translator has continued it by translating other meditations of the author. Since the majority of those were longer than the allotted two pages, most of them were divided over several days. To keep the context, one or more paragraphs of the previous day are usually copied or adapted for the following days. In such cases a bold letter in the text of the next meditation indicates the direct link to the previous one. Even apart from this, the reader may occasionally recognize other major parts of an earlier meditation, since the author himself did sometimes borrow from his earlier writings, or rewrote them.
An other important selection of meditations Schilder had planned to publish separately as All or Nothing are included in this book in the months of September through December (though interspersed by a few others).
It should be noted that the Scripture passages to be read with the meditations after April 3 were selected by the translator. It is also important to note that Schilder basically used the Dutch Staten Bijbel of 1637. While using it he did not hesitate to correct the translation when needed, though the Staten Bijbel may well be, even today, the most accurate Bible translation in any western language, especially when used with the very important annotations (including alternate translations, explanations, and references) written by the translators themselves. A very accurate translation of the annotations and Dutch text is in the process of being published as The Dort Study Bible. As far as it is possible, it will be wise to use the Dort Study Bible to read the Scripture passages mentioned with each meditation. At this moment only Genesis to Job are available from Inheritance Publications.
A good example for following this advise would be Job 19:5-15, to be read with the meditation of Jan. 6. The title of the meditation is "No Repressing." Job 19:5 in the Dort Study Bible includes the phrase "and press my reproach against me" while the NKJV has "and plead my disgrace against me". The keyword connection is lost and so is part of Schilders rich thought process.
The Psalms chosen for each day were selected by the translator from the 1984 edition of the Book of Praise (Anglo Genevan Psalter) which can be ordered from Inheritance Publications.
As translator and publisher I want to especially thank Mrs. Brian Bevaart for carefully editing each meditation. Editing is always a very particular job, especially when you are not allowed to change what the author wrote. This is particularly true for the works of Klaas Schilder, who in his polemics often revealed errors in the translations of quotes of John Calvin. Thank you Sharon!
Schilder ended his introduction with these words:
"And may this book now find its way and assist those who love the Bible to find the rest which follows the labour of the soul, as often as one can honestly say:
Now the year
Will no longer pass in fear.
But cause this changeless strife,
To reveal a blueprint of eternal life.
Until I in world without end
May land."
[Free translation of:
Nu zal my t jaar zoo schichtig niet meer vlien:
Maar dit onwisselbaar een schets doen zien
Van dEeuwigheid, tot ik in t zonder end
Roelof A. Janssen
Index and links to articles in English by Klaas Schilder
translated by Roelof A. Janssen
In the Era of Hardening of Hearts?
The League of the "Reformed (Calvinists)"
De Reformatie may well have been the most important literature of the 20th Century
Are YOU willing and able to help translate or edit articles of Klaas Schilder?
Do you know of other articles that have been translated?
Please contact Roelof at
For more info on Klaas Schilder & De Reformatie 1920-1952
click on link below:
The complete Dutch editions of De Reformatie 1920-1952 in PDF format
Time: 1890-1952 Age: 16-99
Paperback ISBN 1-894666-79-8 CAD$24.95
Cloth ISBN 1-894666-79-8 CAD$35.95
I pity a community that speaks about the tone and not about the contents and spirit of a matter.
The brotherly tone may not conceal any truths which justice demands to speak.
Some people are only frightened when the polemic tone becomes sharp.
I am frightened when the matter is confused even when the tone is very mild.
Klaas Schilder (Translated by Roelof A. Janssen)
* * *
Ik beklaag een gemeenschap, die over de ,,toon" spreekt, en niet over de ,,inhoud" en over de ,,geest".
De broederlijke toon moet geen waarheden verzwijgen, die de rechtvaardigheid gebied te spreken.
Sommige mensen worden pas huiverig, als de polemise toon scherp wordt.
Ik word het als de zaak vertroebeld wordt, ook al is de toon aeolisch.
Klaas Schilder
(About 20th Century Dutch Church History and the involvement of Dr. Klaas Schilder & De Reformatie)
by P. Jongeling
the author under the pen-name of Piet Prins of the Scout books
We have also placed 2 MP3 files with the last two radio messages (1965) of Dr. Peter H Eldersfeld
Peter H Eldersfeld - The Body of Christ
Peter H Eldersfeld - The Defender of the Faith
on our website
Dr. Klaas Schilder; Edited by J. Geertsema "It is a delight to be Reformed," wrote Dutch theologian Klaas Schilder (1890-1952), a man whose life and work demonstrated unwavering loyalty to biblical authority. While parting with Abraham Kuyper on some issues, Schilder shared Kuyper's conviction that "there is not an inch of human life about which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not proclaim, `Mine.' " Subject: Theology Age: 16-99 ISBN 9780875522395 - US$ 14.95 |
Jelle Tuininga in Christian Renewal: . . . The main purpose of Schilder was to dissuade and discourage Hoeksema (and the Prot. Ref. Churches) from adopting the so-called Brief Declaration. Schilder saw this, correctly I believe, as an "extra Scriptural binding" which would only lead to separate church federations instead of unity. . . I am happy that the publisher has made these essays available in English to a larger audience. The more so, because they deal with important issues which are now coming to the surface again. We must be informed on such salient points. Subject: Church History / Theology Age: 16-99 ISBN 0-921100-46-9 CAD$12.95 |
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Last modified: December 11, 2017