Subject: Belgic
Confession Age: 15-99
ISBN 978-0-921100-41-8 Retail Price: US$17.95
The Belgic Confession and it's Biblical Basis by Lepusculus
The Belgic Confession is a Reformed Confession, dating from the
16th Century, written by Guido de Brès, a preacher in the Reformed Churches of The Netherlands. The great
synod of Dort in 1618-19 adopted this Confession as one of the doctrinal standards of the Reformed Churches,
to which all office-bearers of the Churches were (and still are) to subscribe. This book provides and
explains the Scriptural proof texts for the Belgic Confession by using the marginal notes of the Dutch
Staten Bijbel. The Staten Bijbel is a Dutch translation of the Bible, by order of the States
General of the United Netherlands, in accordance with a decree of the Synod of Dort. It was first published
in 1637 and included 'new explanations of difficult passages and annotations to comparative
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