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The Little Wooden Shoe by W.G. Van De Hulst

Read by Amelie Viersen

A little wooden shoe is found floating on the water, and suddenly Henry’s guilty little secret has stirred up the whole village. If only he had told his father! Now the miller, the policeman, the mayor, and the whole village are involved. Henry’s whole world seems to be pointing the finger of shame at him. But the mayor, the policeman, and the miller and his wife have a little secret of their own. A day of shame is turned into a day of celebration!



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Regular Book SCL01 LITTLE WOODEN SHOE - VAN DE HULST, W.G. - 9781928136019 - US$ 6.95

Through the Thunderstorm by W.G. Van De Hulst

Read by Amelie Viersen

To go to Grandmother’s house, Bob, Betsy, and Benjamin have to go through the woods. In the woods there are unseen eyes on the three children — the eyes of the jolly baker, who pulls a trick on them, the eyes of a little bird, which they trap in their basket, and the eyes of a scary old woman, whom they take to be a wicked witch. The children get caught in the woods during a frightful thunderstorm, and they find out about another set of eyes.



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Regular Book SCL02 THROUGH THE THUNDERSTORM - VAN DE HULST, W.G. - 9781928136026 US$6.95

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Stories Children Love series by W.G. Van De Hulst

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21 AUDIO BOOKs - US$ 87.91

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Under the Inquisition by Elizabeth H Walshe

A Story of the Reformation in Italy

The Audio Book is read by Theresa Janssen

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RT11 Under the Inquisition

by Elizabeth H. Walshe

The Reformation Trail Series

A Story of the Reformation in Italy

"You have forgotten that you should confess Christ’s Name; and do you not remember, O deluded people, that whoever confesses not Christ upon earth, shall be denied by Him before His Father and the holy angels? Certainly you are not alone in this backsliding. There may be some in our valleys of the Alps who carry with them certificates that they are genuine papists, and have their children baptized by priests with all the mummeries of superstition, yes, and go to the so-called sacrifice of the mass, openly bowing the knee to Baal, that they may be seen of men; and they excuse themselves — verily a fancied excuse! — by saying secretly when they enter the mass house, ‘Cave of robbers, may God confound you!’ I have heard that similar practices extend even here. My brothers, such duplicity is intolerable to the righteous Lord. Do you think that He will not protect the men who range themselves under His banner against Antichrist, in the face of all the world? I tell you, that if all the devils on earth and in hell were leagued to destroy you, mightier is He that is for you than all that can be against you! Your Father can sheath the sword and quench the faggot of the persecutor, if it is His will; and if it is not His will — O servants of Christ! Will there not be a quicker entrance into the joy of your Lord, and a more dazzling crown of glory!"

Sobs and moans came from that excitable southern audience; glowing eyes, betokening glowing hearts, met the youthful preacher’s every look.

. . . Thus Paschali enunciated the principles which were to guide his ministry.

Look at Table of Contents

Look at First Chapter

Time 1554-1563 Age: 14-99

ISBN 978-1-894666-30-5 US$17.95

The Baron of Salgas A True Huguenot Story by Sabine Malplach

and: The Cross and the Crown & The Carpenter of Nīmes

Two Huguenot Stories by Deborah Alcock

Huguenot Inheritance Series #9

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The Baron of Salgas and: The Cross and the Crown & The Carpenter of Nīmes


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The Cross and the Crown tells about a man by the name of Gabriel Vaur. After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes (1685), life once again became very dangerous for the Huguenots in France. When the Dragonnades came, Gabriel tried to get help, leaving his father, sister, and brother behind. Would he ever see them again? Would he ever be able to flee France and reach England?

The Baron of Salgas is the true story of the Baron and Baroness de Salgas. Even though her husband forbids her to be an open Huguenot, the Baroness knows that her Saviour had said that whoever would deny Him would be denied by Him. So one night she made her escape to Geneva. Would her husband follow? Would he recant? What would happen to their sons who were taken to the convents?

The Carpenter of Nīmes goes back more than a century to the year 1569 and tells about a man named Jacques Maderon. When the pastor tells him that Christ had said, "Son, go work today in My vineyard," he knows it is time to do something. Then the father of his friend was imprisoned. Would he succeed to cut the bars of the gate and so make way for the Huguenots to enter the city and deliver it?

Time: 1568-1715 Age: 13-99

ISBN 978-0-921100-69-0 US$14.95

By Far Euphrates by Deborah Alcock

A Tale on Armenia in the 19th century

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Alcock has provided sufficient graphics describing the atrocities committed against the Armenian Christians to make the reader emotionally moved by the intense suffering these Christians endured at the hands of Muslim Turks and Kurds. At the same time, the author herself has confessed to not wanting to provide full detail, which would take away from the focus on how those facing death did so with peace, being confident they would go to see their LORD, and so enjoy eternal peace. As such it is not only an enjoyable novel, but also encouraging reading. These Christians were determined to remain faithful to their God, regardless of the consequences.

Time: 1887-1895 Age: 11-99

ISBN 1-894666-00-3 US$14.95

The Crown of Honour by L. Erkelens

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R. M. in Chalcedon Report: This book is about an illegitimate girl whose mother died when she was born, and no one knows who her father is. She grows up in an orphanage, and she goes through many hardships and is treated poorly because she is illegitimate. The few people she loves are taken away from her. Because of all her trials, she thinks God is against her, and so, in rebellion, she refuses to go to church or pray. However, the prayers of an old man who loves and prays for her are answered and she realizes . . . a wonderful story.

Fiction Age: 14-99

ISBN 0-921100-14-0 US$14.95

RT02Crushed Yet Conquering

by Deborah Alcock

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A gripping story filled with accurate historical facts about John Huss and the Hussite wars. Hardly any historical novel can be more captivating and edifying than this book. Even if Deborah Alcock was not the greatest of nineteenth century authors, certainly she is our most favourite.

— Roelof & Theresa Janssen

Time: 1414-1436 Age: 11-99

ISBN 1-894666-01-1 US$19.95

THE CZAR by Deborah Alcock

A Tale of the Time of the First Napoleon

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As, with a hand still trembling, Clémence poured out the tea, she remembered the stories she had heard of such evening visits made by the Czar, "to talk at his ease," and recalled the words of De Maistre when someone criticised this habit in his presence: "It is a touching thing to me to see the ruler of a great empire, in the age of all the passions, find his recreation in taking a cup of tea with an honest man and his wife."

Ivan Ivanovitch Pojarsky, an orphaned Russian Prince, adopted by loyal people in the village of Nicolofsky meets the great Czar Alexander of Russia while the Czar does his best to bring back to life a seemingly dead carpenter. This historical fact, and many others related in this captivating story, gives a very accurate picture of the life in Russia during the time of Napoleon.

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Look at First Chapter

Time: 1795-1825 Age: 14-99

ISBN 978-1-894666-11-4 US$19.95

Done and Dared in Old France by Deborah Alcock

Huguenot Inheritance Series #7

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Christine Farenhorst wrote in Christian Renewal: Ten-year-old Gaspard, accidentally separated from his parents, is raised by a group of outlaw salt runners who fear neither God nor man. . . . Through the providence of God, Gaspard's heart turns to Him in faith and after a series of adventures is able to flee France to the safer Protestant shores of England. Fine and absorbing reading. Deborah Alcock has wonderful vocabulary, is a marvelous story-teller, and brings out the amazing hand of God's almighty power in every chapter. Highly recommended.

Time: 1685-1697 Age: 11-99

ISBN 1-894666-03-8 US$14.95

RT01 Hubert Ellerdale by W. Oak Rhind

A Tale of the Days of Wycliffe

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Christine Farenhorst in Christian Renewal: Christians often tend to look on the Reformation as the pivotal turning point in history during which the Protestants took off the chains of Rome. This small work of fiction draws back the curtains of history a bit further than Luther's theses. Wycliffe was the morning star of the Reformation and his band of Lollards a band of faithful men who were persecuted because they spoke out against salvation by works. Hubert Ellerdale was such a man and his life (youth, marriage, and death), albeit fiction, is set parallel to Wycliffe's and Purvey's.

Rhind writes with pathos and the reader can readily identify with his lead characters. This novel deserves a well-dusted place in a home, school, or church library.

Time: 1380-1420 Age: 13-99

ISBN 0-921100-09-4 US$12.95

Israel's Hope and Expectation by Rudolf Van Reest

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G. Nederveen in Clarion: This is one of the best novels I have read of late. I found it captivating and hard to put down. Here is a book that is not time-bound and therefore it will never be outdated.

The story takes place around the time of Jesus' birth. It is written by someone who has done his research about the times between the Old and New Testament period. The author informs you in an easy style about the period of the Maccabees. . . Van Reest is a good storyteller. His love for the Bible and biblical times is evident from the start. He shows a good knowledge of the customs and mannerisms in Israel. Many fine details add to the quality of the book. You will be enriched in your understanding of the ways in the Old Testament.

Time: Inter-Testament Period Age: 15-99

ISBN 0-921100-22-1 US$19.95

Little White Farm House in Iowa by Carol Brands

A Fictionalized Biography of Katherine Vastenhout

Precious Memories: Book 1: The First 10 Years

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Comments from Readers on Book 1“ . . . a wonderful book . . . spiritually uplifting . . . warm human insight and nostalgia . . . delightful reading as I recovered from hip surgery. I’d like to order four more copies . . .”

— Middle-aged female reader from O’Fallen, IL —

“This is no sappy, quasi-Christian literature; this is the real deal. . . the proverbial diamond in the rough . . . I am going to see that the library at Heritage Christian School, where my children are enrolled, has several copies . . .”

— Tom Bergman, editor, Perspectives, Spring issue 2012 —

“. . . One of the finest Christian books I’ve read for young people . . .”

— Prof. Ron Cammenga, professor in PRCs’ seminary, MI —

“If only it could be circulated as widely as Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie.”

— Herman Otten, editor, Christian News, April 16, 2012 —

Time: 1930-1940 Age: 13-99

978-1-894666-38-1 US$11.95

Little Yellow Farm House in Iowa by Carol Brands

A Fictionalized Biography of Katherine Vastenhout

Precious Memories: Book 2: Years Eleven through Seventeen: World War II Years

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When the Kroontje family moved into their second tiny house, they had no idea that within months of their move Uncle Bill Tilstra would be assigned to the USS Arizona, the first ship Japan bombed in Pearl Harbor. Nor did they know that three of Uncle Bill's ships would be destroyed – but that he would be spared from death in ways that were clearly God's providential care . . . yet so horrific that he hated talking about the war.

While war loomed in the background, Uncle Bill always on the family's mind, Katherine's farm life continued with a mixture of stories – some humorous, some serious, some full of neighborliness, some with tragedy.

Join the Kroontje family — living daily life on an Iowa farm even while World War II is being fought across the oceans.

Time: 1940-1948 Age: 13-99

978-1-894666-39-8 US$11.95

Carol Brands calls herself primarily a mother. Born the third of sixteen children, Carol was already a “mother” to her younger brothers and sisters during her adolescent years. After she finished college, Carol continued to work with children, teaching for twelve years. At age thirty, she married and became a mother to her own eight children, four boys and four girls. Once they were all in school, she worked for another twelve years in a local care center. Now she is thrilled to enter the stage of grandmother, anticipating her eleventh grandchild in 2013.

Strangers in Minnesota by Carol Brands

A Fictionalized Biography of Katherine Vastenhout

Precious Memories: Book 3: Years Eighteen through Twenty: The Romance Years

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A new state . . .

A new home . . .

A new church . . .

“I am a stranger here, within a foreign land,

My home is far away, upon a golden strand . . .”

When Katherine and her family moved from their tiny home near Rock Rapids, Iowa, to a new home near Magnolia, Minnesota, this is how Katherine felt her first Sunday in a new church.

She felt lost, totally bereft of friends and familiarity.What had she and her family done? They had left everything near and dear behindto start completely over!

Would she ever be able to fit in?

To find friends?

To feel like she belonged . . .?

Time: 1948-1951 Age: 13-99

978-1-894666-40-4 US$ 11.95

Set of three books US$29.95

Schilder's Struggle for the Unity of the Church by Rudolf Van Reest

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Klaas Schilder is remembered both for his courageous stand in opposition to Nazism, which led to his imprisonment three months after the Nazis overran The Netherlands in 1940, and for his role in the Church struggle in The Netherlands, which culminated in 1944 with the suspension of scores of office-bearers and the formation of the liberated Reformed Churches.

Thomas Vanden Heuvel in The Outlook: I strongly recommend this book for everyone interested in the preservation of and propagation of the Reformed faith.

Time: 1890-1952 Age: 16-99

Paperback ISBN 1-894666-79-8 US$19.95

Cloth ISBN 1-894666-79-8 US$29.90

RT10 The Spanish Brothers by Deborah Alcock

A Tale of the Sixteenth Century

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"He could not die thus for his faith. On the contrary, it cost him but little to conceal it. What, then, had they which he had not? Something that enabled even poor, wild, passionate Gonsalvo to forgive and pray for the murderers of the woman he loved. What was it?"

Time: 1550-1565 Age: 14-99

ISBN 1-894666-02-x US$14.95

RT8 Under Calvin's Spell by Deborah Alcock

A Tale of theHeroic Times in Old Geneva

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They had now reached the Forte Neuve, by which they entered the town, with many others who were returning from the Plain-palais. As they walked along the Corratorie they met Berthelier and Gabrielle, taking the air, as the afternoon was very fine for the season of the year. Both the lads saluted; De Marsac with a flush and a beaming smile.

"I did not know you knew them," said Norbert.

"Oh yes; did I not tell you I was going to see them? Master Berthelier's sister, Damoiselle Claudine, and I are fast friends. Some years ago when I came here first, a mere child, I was one day in the market, looking about me and buying cherries or the like, when I saw this poor damoiselle being frightened half out of her senses by a group of angry, scolding fish-women. That was before such good order was put in the market, and in all the town, thanks to Master Calvin. She had told them, quite truly, that they were trying to cheat her. I fought her battle with all my might, which in truth was not great, and at last brought her home in triumph. She was much more grateful than the occasion required, and has been my very good friend ever since. I — they — they are all good to me, though lately, being much occupied with my studies, I have seen them but seldom."

"Do you not think the young damoiselle very pretty?" asked Norbert. "I do."

"She is beautiful," Louis answered quietly; and the subject dropped.

Time: 1542-1564 Age:14-99

ISBN 1-894666-04-6 US$14.95

The William & Mary Trilogy

by Marjorie Bowen

(Place order for set of 3 and save 15%)


Set of 3 US$ 51.00

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The life of William III, Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Netherlands, and King of England (with Queen Mary II) is one of the most fascinating in all of history. Both the author and the publisher of these books have been interested in this subject for many years. Although the stories as told in these books are partly fictional, all the main events are faithful to history.

F. Pronk wrote in The Messenger about Volume 1: The author is well-known for her well-researched fiction based on the lives of famous historical characters. The religious convictions of the main characters are portrayed with authenticity and integrity. This book is sure to enrich one's understanding of Protestant Holland and will hold the reader spell-bound.

D.J. Engelsma wrote in The Standard Bearer about Volume 1: This is great reading for all ages, high school and older. I Will Maintain is well written historical fiction with a solid, significant, moving historical base . . . No small part of the appeal and worth of the book is the lively account of the important history of one of the world's greatest nations, the Dutch. This history was bound up with the Reformed faith and had implications for the exercise of Protestantism throughout Europe. Christian high schools could profitably assign the book, indeed, the whole trilogy, for history or literature classes.

C. Farenhorst wrote in Christian Renewal about Volume 1: An excellent tool for assimilating historical knowledge without being pained in the process, I Will Maintain is a very good read. Take it along on your holidays. Its sequel Defender of the Faith, is much looked forward to.

Time: 1670-1702 Age: 14-99

Volume 1 - I Will Maintain ISBN 0-921100-42-6 US$19.90

Defender of the Faith

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Volume 2 - Defender of the Faith ISBN 0-921100-43-4 US$19.90

For God and the King

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Volume 3 - For God and the King ISBN 0-921100-44-2 US$19.90

American Secession Theologians on Covenant and Baptism

by Jelle Faber

& Extra-Scriptural Binding A New Danger by Klaas Schilder

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Jelle Tuininga in Christian Renewal: . . . The main purpose of Schilder was to dissuade and discourage Hoeksema (and the Prot. Ref. Churches) from adopting the so-called Brief Declaration. Schilder saw this, correctly I believe, as an "extra Scriptural binding" which would only lead to separate church federations instead of unity. . . I am happy that the publisher has made these essays available in English to a larger audience. The more so, because they deal with important issues which are now coming to the surface again. We must be informed on such salient points.

Subject: Church History / Theology Age: 16-99

ISBN 0-921100-46-9 US$13.95

Essays in Reformed Doctrine by J. Faber

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Cecil Tuininga in Christian Renewal: This book is easy reading as far as the English goes. It can, I judge, be read by all with great profit. . . I found the first chapter on The Significance of Dogmatology for the Training of the Ministry excellent. The six essays on the Church I found very informative and worthwhile. . . What makes this book so valuable is that Dr. Faber deals with all the aspects of the Reformed faith from a strictly biblical and confessional viewpoint.

Subject: Theology / History Age: 18-99

ISBN 0-921100-28-0 US$19.95

Gold, Frankincense,

and Myrrh

Daily Meditations on the Bible

by Klaas Schilder

"For whoever has, to him more will be given." For this reason the wise men came to honour the King with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But that was only at the hour of promise. Promises are not expensive. Yet, how God tested them when they found the Child! There was no throne for Him. And there were no people either. Their star did not rest above a palace. Then in their hearts they thought of another truth, "Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away." They would not have said it in these words, yet the question would have burned in their hearts, "Should we take the treasures back again? The King is not what we dreamt . . ." But God overcame them: they truly opened their treasure bags for Him and all was indeed for Him! The wise men understood that it is easy to imagine giving gifts to a Lord of our imagination, but it is difficult to give treasures to a King who makes no effort to be as we considered Him to be.

— from the meditation of January 1

4 volumes US$39.95

SCHILDER, KLAAS - GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 1 - 9781894666848 - US$ 11.95

SCHILDER, KLAAS - GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 2 - 9781894666855 - US$ 11.95

SCHILDER, KLAAS - GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 3 - 9781894666862 - US$ 11.95

SCHILDER, KLAAS - GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 4 - 9781894666879 - US$ 11.95

Gold, Frankincense,

and Myrrh

Daily Meditations on the Bible

by Klaas Schilder

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Audio Book on 24 Compact Discs US$59.95

DVD-ROM with MP3 Files & Ebooks

with both the English and Dutch editions of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh

met zowel de Nederlandse en Engelse edities van Goud, Wierook en Myrrhe

by / door

Klaas Schilder

More than 60hours of Biblical education on more than 800 audio files

(includes also all complete articles on MP3 files -- undivided -- of the longer mediatations that are divided for the daily meditations)

All Meditations are read in Dutch and English by Roelof A. Janssen

Includes Schilder’s own voice in the Dutch edition of Your Ecumenical Task

Heeft ook een MP3 versie van de originele toespraak van Klaas Schilder

Uw Oecumenische Taak, zoals uitgezonden in 1951 op de Radio


Nederlandse Editie / Dutch Edition


9781894666350 - US$ 49.95


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9781894666282 - US$ 16.95

Audio CD Your Ecumenical Task

by Klaas Schilder

read by Roelof A Janssen

Translated from the Dutch into English. The original Dutch version is also available on CD and included on both the above-mentioned DVD and the DVD with PDF files of De Reformatie.

“. . . so good, so encouraging, so Scriptural,

the best speech I’ve ever heard.”

Also included on CD:

Stigmatized & Princes and Nobles

by Klaas Schilder


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Bride or Harlot by Benne Holwerda

The Church in the Last Judgment & The Harlot in Revelation 17 - 19

edited by Roelof A. Janssen

who also wrote the dedication to

Mr. Donald J. Trump

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When the beast in its sixth head received the deadly wound and loses the opportunity for centuries to establish a world unity and thus a political international power, the church becomes throughout this period an international power and by means of her false unity manifests the image of Babel. Never think lightly about the apostasy of the church. John declares that she rules over the kings of the earth. In her apostasy the church has pursued earthly power and obtained it. Who really are in control among the peoples of the world? The leaders of the apostate church! The church is the chief figure in world politics. All the kings of the earth have committed adultery with her and catered to her. All the inhabitants of the earth are drunk with the wine of her adultery, for all men are intoxicated with a Christian culture which is actually apostate.

Subject: Revelation Age: 14-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-012-7 US$10.90


Church History by P.K. Keizer

Mary Pride in The Big Book of Home Learning, vol. 3: [Keizer] . . . neither overloads the student nor skips over anything important . . . The writing is interesting and pious from a solidly Reformed Protestant viewpoint and does the teenager the great service of distilling the lives and teachings of many important people in a form he can remember . . . An excellent resource.

Time: a.d. 33-1970 Age: 13-99

ISBN 0-921100-02-7 US$12.95

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Last modified: July 20, 2024