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Exploring the Canadian Frontier by David Thompson

Journeys of David Thompson (1784-1812)

Edited by Joseph B. Tyrell

David Thompson was likely the greatest Canadian. That was only possible because of his faith in God. Actually he wrote this book himself, though the first 100 pages — an overview of Thompson’s life and itinerary, are by the editor, Joseph B. Tyrell.

Thompson wrote: I was obliged to take two kegs of alcohol, overruled by my partners, for I had made it a law to myself, that no alcohol should pass the mountains in my company, and thus be clear of the sad sight of drunkenness, and its many evils. But these gentlemen insisted upon alcohol being the most profitable article that could be taken for the Indian trade. In this I knew they had miscalculated. Accordingly when we came to the defiles of the mountains, I placed the two kegs of alcohol on a vicious horse, and by noon the kegs were empty, and in pieces, the horse rubbing his load against the rocks to get rid of it. I wrote to my partners what I had done; and that I would do the same to every keg of alcohol, and for the next six years that I had charge of the fur trade on the west side of the mountains, no further attempt was made to introduce spirituous liquors.


Two editions are available:

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DVD American Jesuits

The History of Jesuitism in America

American Jesuits may be one of the most important documentaries ever produced concerning the social and political conflicts in America today. The influence of Rome in America is one that was written about extensively by authors throughout the 19th century and into the early 20th century, with many warnings about a hidden plan by foreign powers to enslave the country. Nevertheless, most modern history books have been carefully rewritten to remove critical information that would likely warn the people about what has been happening behind the scenes for more than 200 years.

Is it just a coincidence that many key figures in power today (Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Dr. Anthony Fauci, to name a few) are either directly or indirectly associated with the Roman Catholic Jesuit Order? And what will be the ultimate influence of this notorious society, which has been expelled from at least 83 countries, city-states and cities around the world?

The influence of the Vatican and her Jesuit priests is the key to understanding globalism, social justice, illegal immigration, the LGBT agenda, Black Lives Matter, the infiltration of Islam and Sharia law, Covid-19, and much more.

This documentary covers the history of Jesuitism in America and the diabolical influence of the order into modern times.

Subject: Jesuits Age: 12-99

DVD-IP20884 US$24.95




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Israel and the Palestinians

by Willem J. Ouweneel

How well do you know the history of Israel-Palestine relations? Is there a solution to this seemingly unending struggle for land, for peace, for survival?

Dr. Willem J. Ouweneel is an expert in the history of this conflict. More than that, with a Bible-focused lens he surveys the widespread misunderstandings and deceptions being used for propaganda and for making people choose sides.

With twenty theses or propositions, Dr. Ouweneel clears away the fog of misinformation so we can see — and pray! — clearly while we wait for Messiah’s return. Read this, be informed, and pray fervently!

Subject: Israel Today Age: 13-99

ISBN 978-0-88815-345-6 US$7.90



Rascals of Birch Stead by Piet Prins

Inheritance Readers Series #3

It was very quiet in the forest. The sun shone through the branches making golden spots on the dark moss along the narrow forest path. Suddenly something rustled. A red squirrel jumped quickly from one branch to the next. Then he sat still. Grabbing a pine cone, he held it with his forepaws and broke it, in order to eat the seeds inside. Delicious! The sound of voices approached. The squirrel started. Dropping the pine cone he hunched down, his eyes darting in all directions.

Subject: Fiction Age: 7-9

ISBN 978-1-894666-82-4 US$11.90


Scott and the Ranger

by Piet Prins

Inheritance Readers Series #4

Whooo! . . . Whooo! . . . Fiercely, the wild wind blew across the road, ripping off the first coloured leaves from the chestnut trees. Some ripe chestnuts fell down too. As they hit the ground, the thick shells burst open and the gleaming fruit came out. The children were happy with the wind. They had been hitting the branches with sticks and throwing rocks through the leaves to get the chestnuts down, but some were too high. Now Johnny Windstorm came to help! Children were looking around everywhere.

Subject: Fiction Age: 7-9

ISBN 978-1-894666-10-7 US$11.90


Lost in the Canadian Arctic

by Piet Prins

"Brace yourselves! We’re going down."

For an instant Norm and Pat felt relief. They hadn’t dared to look outside the plane for the last several minutes, so thought Selby’s words meant they had reached the airstrip. At last!

But when they looked for the runway, they saw only jagged boulders and rock-strewn tundra. There wasn’t a single airport light or sign of a runway or terminal.

"This is going to be a crash landing," Pat whispered hoarsely. Her brother nodded. He had come to the same conclusion. And by now he knew, probably better than Pat, the immense peril that lay before them.

"God is able to protect us, Pat. He sees us and will take care of us."

Norma said these words just as much to himself as to his sister. All three on board the tiny aircraft fell silent, praying. For the captain, feverishly working the controls with his feet and tightly gripping the stick, the prayer was like a cry, unuttered, inaudible. The next thirty seconds would tell the story.

Subject: Canadian Fiction Age: 10-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-142-1 US$14.90


Hendrik of Zutphen

by Henszen Veenland

Monk and Martyr

Hendrik of Zutphen paused on the doorstep, extending a hand to his unwilling host. "I wish you a good day, Sir. I hope that we will have another opportunity to speak with each other."

Michael accepted the prior’s hand, but did not answer.

As he closed the door, he noticed a passerby looking at him and the man whose hand he had just shaken. This did not improve Michael’s mood.

Hendrik of Zutphen mentally deliberated. It was clear that, at least for the time being, he would not be able to visit Lottie Verelst. Seeing her secretly was not something he wished to do. But leaving the woman alone with her struggles was not a possibility, either. If he or one of his brothers were not able to visit her, someone else would have to do it. He smiled. After all, that was already happening. How else would he have gotten the message from Faris van de Walle?

Time: 1517-1524 Age: 12-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-144-5 US$15.90


Kindness and Fidelity

or, The Mountain Fugitive by M.J. Porchat

Huguenot Inheritance Series #16

Germain was a stout lad of sixteen; Madeleine was two years younger, and possessed of all the delicacy of her gender, as Germain was of the strength of his. They wore a more serious and thoughtful air than is usual at their age. Three cows, a goat, and a dozen sheep were feeding around them; and while the other animals browsed the grass without taking any notice of their keepers, the goat, more sociable, looked at them from time to time, spoke to them in a friendly bleat, and without interrupting her feeding, gradually drew nearer to the girl; who, finding her at length within her reach, laid aside her knitting to caress her.

Germain had a book open upon his knees; but he had stopped reading, and remained pensive, as if unconscious of everything near him. The sun, which had just broken through the mist, was lighting up the landscape, like a friend who is trying to invite a smile. The autumnal scene was enlivened by the distant sound of bells; by the smoke from the village rising behind the green oaks; and by the flight of numerous birds of passage, which were making their way to warmer climates. But, at every age, an . . .

Time: 1793 Age: 12-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-151-3 US$13.90

The Secret of Lake Kaba by Margaret S. Comrie

Andreas snorted. "Well, I had rather see him through my colour than yours, you green-eyed piece of brotherliness! But here he comes!" exclaimed Andreas, with a change of voice as he turned to greet the subject of their discussion, a boy nearly two year Gottlieb’s junior, who was entering the hall.

But Hilda was before Andreas. A light spring, and she had reached the door, where she now stood holding with the glad clasp of possession the hand of the new-comer. There was nothing at first to suggest to a casual observer that the two were brother and sister. Rudolph von Reichenstein could scarcely be called goodlooking. He was a sturdy, broad-shouldered, straight-limbed lad, with an open honest face and noble brow that was pleasant to look at, but it was not until his smile, sweet and trusty, had lit up and transformed his irregular features that the likeness between him and the little Fee became marked.

"Andreas has told us all about it, Rolph," whispered Hilda, her eyes sparkling, while with eager force she led her brother towards the hearth. "I know that Grandfather wants to tell you how pleased he is. Does he not, Andreas?"

Time: 1618-1648 Age: 12-99

ISBN 978-1-928136-34-7 US$14.90


The House in the Strand by Margaret S. Comrie

" ‘Well disposed toward the Huguenots,’ " he repeated. "Little knows Achille that in ‘free and happy England,’ as he misnames it, we Protestants are already experiencing in some degree the persecution meted out to him and his unhappy co-religionists. I shall write and tell him, of course, how things stand here at this present; but in truth, if he still determines to send the little maid to us, he may rest assured we shall do our best for her safety and happiness. Is it not so, Dearheart?"

But to this Lady Dartmore said never a word. She had half-averted her face, and the needle had dropped from her nerveless fingers.

Sir Richard lifted his wife’s thin white hand and raised it to his lips.

"Courage, Dearheart! Doubtless it will be somewhat hard at the first; but may it not be that in this way comfort is being sent to cheer us all?" he murmured in a tender undertone.

Time: 1688 Age: 12-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-143-8 US$14.90



Story Bible For Young Children by Anne De Vries

Many, many years ago, there was a little town called Bethlehem, in the land of Canaan. As a matter of fact, this town is still there; at the time of this story, a woman, called Naomi, lived in Bethlehem. She lived there with her husband and two sons.

Naomi’s husband worked on his farm, where he sowed wheat in the spring, and cut it down as soon as it was ripe. He would then thresh the harvest and bring the wheat kernels home to Naomi to grind into flour. Naomi was a good cook, who made fine fresh bread and cakes for her husband and two boys.

Subject: Bible Age: 4-10

Paperback ISBN 978-1-77298-141-4 US$24.90


Golden Inheritance Series # 11 Her Benny

by Silas K. Hocking

"Carry yer bag, Sir?" he said, stepping in front of the gentleman; and there was something very appealing in his tone as he spoke.

The gentleman looked kindly down into the two honest-looking eyes that flashed in the gaslight.

Subject:Fiction Age: 9-99

ISBN 978-1-772980-86-8 US$19.90


Leading Little Ones to God

by Marian Schoolland

"Does more than make the Bible come alive for children." —S.S. Times

"The stories are told with a clarity unusual in Bibie story books." —Moody Monthly

The greatest concern of every Christian parent and teacher is to lead the little ones under his care to God. A godly life and walk and prayer are essential in this task, but these alone do not answer the many questions that arise in the minds of children. Children need instruction too — early and continuous and careful instruction. They need to be taught who God is and what their relationship is to Him.

For such instruction we are always dependent upon Biblical doctrine — the truth of God revealed in the Holy Scriptures. But how can doctrine, which even adults often find difficult, be taught to little ones?

To help us in this task Marian Schoolland has written Leading Little Ones to God. One of the finest authors of good books for children, she has a style that children enjoy and understand. Christian parents and teachers will feel greatly indebted to her for this wonderful and rewarding book. And whether it is read to very young children, or given to children of reading age, it will be a treasure that lasts a lifetime.

Subject: Bible Age: 6-14

ISBN 978-1-77298-007-3 US$20.90


YBH 14 Jonathan, the Uncrowned One

by Deborah Alcock

A Page of Jewish History

(and other stories)

. . . the very man upon whom the shadow of rejection fell darkest stepped forth, uncalled, as Israel’s deliverer. Never had faith apparently less to feed on, yet never was faith more simply, more sublimely strong. We have no hint how it grew. Until now we only know Jonathan as the son of Saul, trusted by his father with an important command; one thousand of the three thousand chosen men of Israel being committed to him. With this slender force he has taken the initiative, and struck the first blow against the oppressors of his country: then Saul adopts and endorses the daring deed of his son, sending the battle-cry throughout the land, so that all Israel hears that "Saul has smitten a garrison of the Philistines."

Time: about 1050 BC Age: 16-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-002-8 US$12.90


YBH 15 Great and Good, King Alfred by Deborah Alcock

It was certainly no time for discord amongst brothers; the enemy was at the door. The northern and eastern parts of the kingdom were suffering terribly from the ravages of the Danes. Northumbria had fallen, East Anglia was on the point of destruction, Mercia was threatened. Yet two years elapsed, before King Ethelred was obliged to take part in the struggle; for in those days every man considered it enough to guard his own possessions, and those of his near kinsmen, from the grasp of the spoiler. Buhred, the King of Mercia, had married the sister of Ethelred, and therefore when the pagan hosts having devastated Northumbria poured down upon his territories, he naturally sent to him and to Alfred for succour. They both marched to his assistance, but their first campaign was in no way remarkable; and soon after its close, the Mercians unwisely concluded a peace with their treacherous enemies, which of course was not of long continuance.

Time: 1200s Age: 14-99

ISBN 978-1-928136-3-6 US$13.90


YBH 16 The Life of Gustavus Adolphus

by Deborah Alcock

"To you, my counsellors, I address myself. God enlighten you and fill you with wisdom, that you may govern my kingdom for the best. You, my gallant mobility, I commend to the Divine protection. Continue to prove yourselves worthy descendants of the brave Goths, whose valour laid old Rome in the dust. Ministers of the Church, to you I commend unity and concord: be yourselves examples of the virtues you preach, and abuse not your influence over the hearts of my people. Deputies of the people, for you I implore the blessing of Heaven: fulness to your barns, an abundant reward to your industry — for all, present and absent, I offer my sincere prayers — I bid you all an affectionate farewell — it may be, forever."

When these words were uttered there was scarcely a tearless eye among the rough Northerns who crowded the Senate hall. It was some time before the king himself could regain sufficient composure to resume his address. Then, with great solemnity, he repeated the concluding words of the 90th Psalm, his favourite prayer on public occasions. "Let Thy works appear unto Thy servants, and Thy glory unto their children. And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish Thou the work of our hands upon us; yes, the work of our hands, establish Thou it."

Time: 1594-1632 Age: 14-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-046-9 US$12.90


The Man from Glengarry by Ralph Connor

A Tale of the Ottawa

The winter had broken early and the Scotch River was running ice-free and full from bank to bank. There was still snow in the woods, and with good sleighing and open rivers, every day was golden to the lumbermen who had logs to get down to the big water. A day gained now might save weeks at a chute farther down, where the rafts would crowd one another and strive for right of way.

Dan Murphy was mightily pleased with himself and the bit of the world about him, for there lay his winter’s cut of logs in the river below him snug and secure and held tight by a boom across the mouth, just where it flowed into the Nation. In a few days he would have his crib made, and his outfit ready to start for the Ottawa mills. He was sure to be ahead of the big timber rafts that took up so much space, and whose crews with unbearable effrontery considered themselves the aristocrats of the river.

Yes, it was a pleasant and satisfying sight, some three solid miles of logs boomed at the head of the big water.

Time: Canadian Fiction in the 1800s Age: 14-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-147-6 US$22.90


Florence Nightingale by Eliza F. Pollard

The Wounded Soldier’s Friend

The Best of our Library # 7

Wherever Florence went the same glad welcome awaited her. Hers was a familiar presence in the poor cottages around her home, especially when there was sickness or trouble therein; sometimes in the company of the vicar of the parish, who had studied medicine, and from whom her first notions of hygiene were derived; sometimes as her mother’s almoner, taking food and clothes to those who stood in need; but what they valued perhaps more even than the material gifts she brought was the gentle presence, the delicate touch of the child’s hand on the aching head, the serious face so full of sympathy, and the soft voice speaking words of encouragement and hope. "A Ministering Angel," even while she still stood on the threshold of life, her child’s soul was touched by the pains and sorrows of those around her.

Time: 1820-1910 Age: 14-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-096-7 US$12.90


The Black Bearded Barbarian by Marion Keith

The Life of George Leslie Mackay of Formosa (Taiwan)

The Best of our Library # 8

"Why, he speaks our words!" they all cried at once.

As they stood staring, Mackay took out his watch and held it up for them to see. It glittered in the sun, and at the sight of it and the kind smiling face above, they lost their fears and crowded around him. They examined the watch in great wonder. They handled his clothes, exclaimed over the buttons on his coat, and inquired what they were for. They felt his hands and his fingers, and finally decided that, in spite of his queer looks, he was after all a man.

From that day the young missionary and the herd-boys were great friends. Every day he joined them in the buffalo pasture, and would spend from four to five hours with them. And as they were very willing to talk, he not only learned their language rapidly, but also learned much about their homes, their schools, their customs, and their religion.

Time: 1850-1910 Age: 14-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-136-0 US$13.90


The Covenant of Grace by William Hendriksen

"The covenant of grace emphasizes the fact that salvation is entirely the work of God; that God’s glory is, accordingly, the true goal of religion; and that the really saved are not to be viewed as a number of wholly separate, suddenly converted individuals but as an organism, as a people, as those who belong together both in the church militant and in the church triumphant, as believers and their seed throughout their generations."

Dr. Hendriksen clearly shows the relation between the doctrine of the covenant of grace and other very important doctrines, and also how this doctrine relates to the Christian life.

Subject: Bible Age: 15-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-145-2 US$9.90


Sola Scriptura by Sidney Greidanus

Problems and Principles in Preaching Historical Texts

The desire of the author is to acquaint English-speaking preachers with the hermeneutical-homiletical insights which sprang up on Dutch soil.He chose to use only the English language in the text and to relegate all other languages to the footnotes. This choice has made it necessary to translate most of the quotations used in the text. Although several of his Dutch sources have been translated into English, these translations proved to be less than satisfactory for his purposes because often they fail to get across the specific point of the original Dutch text. For the sake of comparison, he frequently makes a secondary reference (E) to these existing translations. When the note refers first to the original source, however, the translation of the quotation is entirely his responsibility.

Subject: Bible Age: 16-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-130-8 US$21.90


Dubious Bible Characters

by Herman Veldkamp

About SOLOMON: Perhaps this or that interested reader has already personally raised for him or her the question, who will be next in the line of vague figures. That Solomon would emerge, I do not believe he had foreseen, and in any case he had not thought of that name in the first place. The name Solomon has a favorable sound among us. We love him, Solomon — King of Peace! — God’s gift!

The figure of this king, the wise Poet of Proverbs and heartfelt singer of the Song of Songs, stands with us above all suspicion. We used to learn at school a list of pious kings, and one of wicked kings . . . did any of us ever think of classifying Solomon in the latter category? Nevertheless, the Bible tells very ungodly things of him, so much so that outspoken evil men like Ahab and others still look pious.

Have you ever read 1 Kings 11 with attention? I cite just a few statements from it: ‘His heart was not wholly with the Lord his God’ (vs. 4), ‘Solomon walked after Ashtoreth the god of the Sidonians, and Mincom, the reprobate of the Ammonites’ (vs. 5), ‘so Solomon did that which was altogether evil in the sight of the Lord, and persevered not to follow the Lord . . .)

Time: About 1500BC-70AD Age: 16-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-139-1 US$15.90


Chorale Book (for Organ & Piano) on the 150 (Genevan) Psalms


U alleen, U loven wij!


In addition to the chorale variations I have composed, my love for the Psalms is the greatest.

At the request of many, I wrote this chorale book on the 150 Psalms, and I worked on it with great pleasure. Of course, the chorales can also be played on even notes.

May this work for church and home be a contribution to singers and musicians, and may everything result in the glory of the Lord.

Then it will be: Thee, O God, Yes, Thee we praise! — Leen Schippers (2003)

Subject: Organ / Piano Edition Genevan of Genevan Psalms Age: 9-99

Order Number: LeenSchippers 150 Psalms US$78.00


Visioenen der Voleinding door

Prof. Dr W. Hendriksen

Dit is een tijdboek, dat zal inslaan. Onze tijd met zijn machtige beroeringen en angstwekkende woelingen vertoont duidelijk apocalyptische trekken. De ingrijpende wereldgebeurtenissen volgen elkaar in steeds sneller tempo en men gist naar de plaats, die zij hebben in het raam der laatste dingen, men voelt dat het einde van alle dingen nabij is en het wereldgericht nadert. Men zit vol met beklemmende vragen en bange zorgen, men is vervuld van onrust en vrees.

Subject: Openbaring Age: 17-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-127-8 US$19.90



Volume 6 & 7 of The Dort Study Bible Now in Print


Vol. 6 Psalms & Proverbs ISBN 978-1-894666-56-9 US$27.90

Vol. 7 Ecclesiastes - Isaiah ISBN 978-1-894666-57-5 US$27.90



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Vol. 1 Genesis and Exodus ISBN 1-894666-51-8 US$24.95

Vol. 2 Leviticus - Deuteronomy ISBN 1-894666-52-6 US$24.95

Vol. 3 Joshua - 2 Samuel ISBN 1-894666-53-4 US$24.95

Vol. 4 1 Kings-1 Chronicles ISBN 978-1-89466654-1 US$24.95

Vol. 5 2 Chronicles - Job ISBN 978-1-894666-55-8 US$24.95



Wonderful & Bizarre

Life Forms in Creation

by Jerry Bergman

This collection illustrates the enormous variety of God's creation. The selection was difficult to make from over two million choices, but included are some of the more popular animals, such as the panda and the koala. The 23 animals are listed in alphabetical order because many readers will no doubt read accounts of animals of interest first.

Covered are not only some background of lifeforms, but also the serious problems each of them presents for evolution, which in most cases are lethal for Darwin's theory. Wonderful & Bizarre is excellent for families, leisure reading, home schoolers, and Christian schools. This book makes biology enjoyable and relevant for students from High School to College level.

ISBN 978-0-9952800-1-4 U.S.$ 34.90


For a Testimony by Bruce F. Hunt

A Story of Korea in World War II

WWII Memorial Series 7

Bruce Hunt (1903-1992), an American Presbyterian missionary working among Koreans, narrated his experiences in Manchuria during the Second World War, when he was imprisoned by the invading Japanese. Maltreated, half-starved, tormented, released, re-arrested, cast greatly upon God he was brought through to the praise of divine grace. But what inspires the reader is the author’s burden for the Korean Christians, who loved not their lives unto death. The account of their consistency under persecution is a great encouragement to missionary endeavour.

Edward J. Young of Westminster Seminary wrote: "The Rev. Bruce F. Hunt is a highly respected missionary of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Born in Korea, he has spent practically his entire life in that country preaching the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ. His devoted labours have been deeply blessed of God. In the present book his love to Christ shines forth on every page. This is not an ordinary book but here is the fascinating account of one who, even in severe trial, was faithful to his Lord. It is a book that all Christians should read, and if non-Christians would read it, they might come to understand the secret of such a life."

Time: 1940-1960 Age: 14-99

ISBN 978-1-77298-082-0 (IP 17019) US$12.90





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