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(Place order for set of 5 and save 15%) SET OF 5 SHADOW SERIES - REG. 54.75 - PRINS, PIET - set of new copies US$ 47.30 One of the most exciting series of a master story teller about the German occupation of The Netherlands during the emotional time of the Second World War (1940-1945).K. Bruning in Una Sancta about Vol.4 - The Partisans, and Vol. 5 - Sabotage: . . . the country was occupied by the German military forces. The nation's freedom was destroyed by the foreign men in power. Violence, persecutions and executions were the order of the day, and the main target of the enemy was the destruction of the christian way of life. In that time the resistance movement of underground fighters became very active. People from all ages and levels joined in and tried to defend the Dutch Christian heritage as much as possible. The above mentioned books show us how older and younger people were involved in that dangerous struggle. It often was a life and death battle. Every page of these books is full of tension. The stories give an accurate and very vivid impression of that difficult and painful time. These books should also be in the hands of our young people. They are excellent instruments to understand the history of their own country and to learn the practical value of their own confession and Reformed way of life. What about as presents on birthdays?
Vol. 1 The Lonely Sentinel ISBN 1-894666-72-0 US$10.90
Vol. 2 Hideout in the Swamp ISBN 1-894666-73-9 US$10.90
Vol. 3 The Grim Reaper ISBN 1-894666-74-7 US$10.90
Vol. 4 The Partisans ISBN 0-921100-07-8 US$10.90
Vol. 5 Sabotage ISBN 0-921100-08-6 US$10.90
PRINS, PIET - SHADOW 2 - HIDEOUT IN THE SWAMP, OLD - First Edition 2 - US$ 8.90
PRINS, PIET - SHADOW 3 - GRIM REAPER, OLD - First Edition 3 - US$ 8.90
by Anne De Vries After the Second World War, Anne De Vries, one of the most popular novelists in The Netherlands, was commissioned to capture in literary form the spirit and agony of those five harrowing years of Nazi occupation. The result was Journey Through the Night, a four volume bestseller that has gone through more than thirty printings in The Netherlands. "An Old Testament Professor of mine who bought the books could not put them down nor could I." Dr. Edwin H. Palmer "This is more than just a war-time adventure. The characters have vitality, depth and great humanity." The Ottawa Citizen Now in its Fifth Printing:
Volume 1: INTO THE DARKNESS 9781928136385 - US$ 11.90
DE VRIES, ANNE - JOURNEY THROUGH THE NIGHT Volume 3: DAWN'S Early Light 9781928136408 - US$ 11.90
DE VRIES, ANNE - JOURNEY THROUGH THE NIGHT Volume 4: A NEW DAY 9781928136415 - US$ 11.90
Fourth PrintingStill Available: ALL FOUR IN ONE Time: 1940-1945 Age: 10-99 ISBN 0-921100-25-6 US$ 29.90
Audio Books on CD, MP3 (on DVD), and download Click here for Canadian Prices Journey Through the Night by Anne De Vries After the Second World War, Anne De Vries, one of the most popular novelists in The Netherlands, was commissioned to capture in literary form the spirit and agony of those five harrowing years of Nazi occupation. The result was Journey Through the Night, a four volume bestseller that has gone through more than thirty printings in The Netherlands. "An Old Testament Professor of mine who bought the books could not put them down nor could I." Dr. Edwin H. Palmer "This is more than just a war-time adventure. The characters have vitality, depth and great humanity." The Ottawa Citizen
CD23 JOURNEY THROUGH THE NIGHT - DEVRIES, ANNE AUDIO BOOK ON 23 CDs IN 4 ALBUMS - JTN SET OF 4 - US$ 99.90 (FREE, FREE, FREE:The purchase of the complete set of 23 CDs allows you a free download version as well! Free, Free, Free!)
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Jessica's First Prayer & Jessica's Mother by Hesba Stretton Liz Buist in Reformed Perspective: There is much to be learned from this story. It is written primarily for children, but this book is worthwhile reading for adults as well . . . Highly recommended for young and older. The Sword and Trowel says (about Jessica's First Prayer): One of the most tender, touching, and withal gracious stories that we ever remember to have read. A dear little book for our children. We are not ashamed of having shed tears while reading it; in fact, should have been ten times more ashamed if we had not. The sweet portrait of the poor child Jessica is a study, and old Daniel is perfect in his own way. Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 0-921100-63-9 US$8.95
Probable Sons by Amy Le Feuvre The Sword and Trowel says: A lovely story that everybody man, woman, boy, or girl ought to read. The heroine is a charming child who, in a most winning way, applies to everyday life the Parable of the Prodigal Son, whom she mis-calls the Probable Son. It is scarcely possible to praise too highly this delightful volume. Subject: Fiction Age: 8-99 ISBN 0-921100-81-7 US$8.95
Golden Inheritance Series #3 Pilgrim Street by Hesba Stretton Little Phil desperately wants to see his brother Tom. He knows Tom isn't guilty. But Phil is afraid of the policeman. Who will help these street urchins? Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 0-921100-91-4 US$8.95
Legend Led by Amy Le Feuvre Three children, orphaned at an early age and living with a governess, are suddenly sent for by an older stepbrother who lives in the country. Steeped in Arthurian legends, Gypsy, the youngest of the three children, is convinced that the Holy Grail, or `Holy Thing' as she calls it, is hidden somewhere on their brother's estate. When she does actually find the `Holy Thing', it is not quite what she has expected. Reminiscent of W.G. VandeHulst, this book is sure to endear itself to parents as well as to young children. Most certainly recommended. Subject: Fiction Age: 10-99 ISBN 0-921100-82-5 US$8.95
Little Meg's Children by Hesba Stretton Christine Farenhorst in Christian Renewal: During the Victorian era a family, reduced to penury, lives in a squalid tenement awaiting their seafaring father's return. When the mother dies, the responsibility of caring for her two small brothers devolves to a very young girl. Having been initiated in the rudiments of Christianity through her mother's Bible reading, with child-like faith this little woman keeps her family going. Reminiscent of W.G. VandeHulst, Stretton manages to pass on to her readers the importance of unquestioning faith in an omniscient God. Excellent reading. Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 0-921100-92-2 US$8.95
Teddy's Button by Amy Le Feuvre The Life of Faith says: Teddy's Button is by the author of Probable Sons, and it would be difficult to say which is the better. Rev. Thomas Spurgeon says: A smile-provoking, tear-compelling, heart-inspiring book. I wish every mother would read it to her children. The Christian says: A lively little story, telling of a lad whose military spirit found satisfaction in enlisting in Christ's army and fighting God's battles. Subject: Fiction Age: 8-99 ISBN 0-921100-83-3 US$8.95
Lost Gip by Hesba Stretton "Sandy will be a good boy, I know, for he loves to hear me tell him of Jesus Christ, and he's beginning to understand it all better now. Mother," and Johnny put his arm fondly around her neck, "I want you to let Sandy have my Sunday clothes, and let me see him go to chapel with Father. Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 0-921100-93-0 US$8.95
Harebell's Friend by Amy Le Feuvre When her father dies, poor orphaned Harebell is taken from India to England. But Aunt Diana, under whose care Harebell is placed, dislikes children, and would rather send her niece off to a boarding school than keep her at her grand home . . . she again meets Tom Triggs . . . Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 0-921100-84-1 US$8.95
Cassy by Hesba Stretton The dog seemed perfectly to understand the state of affairs, and was somewhat doubtful of the step the girl was about to take. He followed her slowly for a few yards, and then ran back and sniffed about the damp straw by the entrance, where he was used to sleep, and thrust his nose carefully among the smouldering sticks, which were the cause of this sudden flight. But as the girl disappeared among the trees, and whistled softly for him, he made up his mind to follow her, and the next minute the two were running as swiftly as the girl's feet could carry her away from the only home she had. Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 0-921100-94-9 US$8.95
Andy Man by Amy Le Feuvre Andy, the orphaned son of a London policeman at the beginning of the twentieth century, becomes Johns handy man out in the country. But honest head-strong Andy finds himself in some troubling situations. Will he be allowed to remain with John? And what about the mysterious visitor? Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 978-0-921100-95-9 US$8.95
by Marjorie Bowen (Place order for set of 3 and save 15%) SET OF 3 WILLIAM & MARY -REG. 51.85 - BOWEN, MARJORIE - set - US$ 51.00
The life of William III, Prince of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Netherlands, and King of England (with Queen Mary II) is one of the most fascinating in all of history. Both the author and the publisher of these books have been interested in this subject for many years. Although the stories as told in these books are partly fictional, all the main events are faithful to history. F. Pronk wrote in The Messenger about Volume 1: The author is well-known for her well-researched fiction based on the lives of famous historical characters. The religious convictions of the main characters are portrayed with authenticity and integrity. This book is sure to enrich one's understanding of Protestant Holland and will hold the reader spell-bound. D.J. Engelsma wrote in The Standard Bearer about Volume 1: This is great reading for all ages, high school and older. I Will Maintain is well written historical fiction with a solid, significant, moving historical base . . . No small part of the appeal and worth of the book is the lively account of the important history of one of the world's greatest nations, the Dutch. This history was bound up with the Reformed faith and had implications for the exercise of Protestantism throughout Europe. Christian high schools could profitably assign the book, indeed, the whole trilogy, for history or literature classes. C. Farenhorst wrote in Christian Renewal about Volume 1: An excellent tool for assimilating historical knowledge without being pained in the process, I Will Maintain is a very good read. Take it along on your holidays. Its sequel Defender of the Faith, is much looked forward to. Time: 1670-1702 Age: 14-99
Volume 2 - Defender of the Faith ISBN 0-921100-43-4 US$19.90
Volume 3 - For God and the King ISBN 0-921100-44-2 US$19.90
of Scout: The Secret of the Swamp (US$9.95) (Place order for set of 7 {includes free copy of The Secret of the Swamp} and save 15%) SET OF 7 SCOUT BOOKS - REG. US$ 76.70 - PRINS, PIET - - US$ 55.60
Tom and Scout are on vacation with Tom's two best friends, Carl and Bert, and his sisters, Ina and Miriam. On their rambles through the woods, the group of young people are stopped one day by customs officials. They are accused of being in league with a gang of criminals who are smuggling goods across the nearby German border. Scout's reputation as a tracking dog has preceded him, and soon the young people are helping both the police and the customs officials. The mystery of the haunted castle, a coded message hidden under a tree, a gang of smugglers that can vanish at will, a burglary without clues they all come together when Tom and Scout tumble over a four-hundred-year-old secret. Suddenly, however, Tom is no longer looking for adventure but fighting for his very life. Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 1-894666-44-5 US$10.90 Scout:
The Flying Phantom by Piet Prins When Tom and his friends Bert and Carl set out on an adventure over spring vacation, they are only looking for a good time. But soon a series of baffling events draws them inexorably into another mystery. What connection is there between a dangerous poacher, a police cap on top of a tower, a host of unsolved burglaries, and a mysterious fire? Is the fearsome character who walks on the swamp the ghost of the legendary Flying Phantom? Or is it something or someone else? Join the boys, Tom's dog, Scout, and their mutual friend Captain Brandenburg as they muster courage, tenacity, and wit to track a very unusual kind of criminal. Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 1-894666-45-3 US$10.90
While Tom and his two friends are making plans for a vacation, Carl's father announces that he has acquired a sailboat, as part of a business deal. The three boys see the chance for a very unusual holiday. Their peaceful sailing trip is sabotaged when they run into a gang of notorious carnival followers who put on sidewalk shows as a cover for more profitable sidelines. After a confrontation with the gang, the three sailors and Scout find themselves in trouble with the police. Their attempt to clear themselves leads to a wild chase through rivers, canals, and lakes. When at last the boys come face to face with the gang and its ruthless leader, they are stranded on an island in the middle of an isolated lake. In the showdown they are all alone except for Scout. Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 1-894666-46-1 US$10.90
When they are invited to spend a few weeks with Uncle Arnie at the seashore, little do Tom, Carl, and Bert realize that they will be staying in the hunting lodge of a medieval castle. Uncle Arnie is quite a storyteller. Soon the boys find their imaginations and the lodge peopled with ghosts from Rodensteyn Castle, a castle long ago buried under the sand. But do ghosts leave tracks, tracks that Scout follows into the sea? Are the legends of the ghost of Sir Isobald and the treasure of Rodensteyn Castle true? Is it a ghost that Tom spots in the dunes at night? Can Scout's nose, no matter how keen, help the boys solve a mystery over 400 years old? Past and present, fact and fiction merge as Tom and his friends search for a treasure that has outlasted the ages. Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 1-894666-47-X US$10.90
Tom, Carl, and Bert are spending the summer on the farm. One day they run into a large, surly man with a black monster of a dog. Scout and the black dog are enemies at first sight. The man arouses the boys' suspicions at once. He is no ordinary vacationer. When Scout pulls a boy from the river, the boys make a friend. From the boy's mother they hear a story about the abandoned mill and a missing treasure. The story draws them into an adventure that sets the boys on a collision course with the dangerous man and his equally dangerous dog. Trying to play the master detective, Tom leads his friends into a desperate situation. Can they stop Scout from clashing with the powerful black dog as he rushes to their aid? After all their hard work, will the boys lose the treasure after all? Worse yet, will the crook decide to kill the only witnesses to his crime? Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 1-894666-48-8 US$10.90
Scout's seventh adventure reacquaints us with his three friends and introduces some new characters. One is Uncle Bob, long absent in North America but now back in the old country where he and his wife settle into a small but honest-to-goodness castle! Naturally Tom and his friends, including Scout, are invited to spend the summer holidays at Uncle Bob's intriguing house. Actually, the invitation is more like a challenge: Uncle Bob pretends to have a low opinion of "modern youth;" he thinks they're soft and over-pampered. To prove him wrong, Tom and his friends decide to travel on foot. But on the journey, little goes right: disasters dog their footsteps and danger is their constant companion . . . Their arrival marks both victory and defeat . . . Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99 ISBN 1-894666-49-6 US$10.90 |
The Louis Wessels Commando #1 A wonderful historical novel in which Penning has interwoven love, pathos, and loyalty. The conflict the Boers endure with England involves not only a fight to maintain their independence (to which the British agreed in 1881) but also a deep religious significance. Louis Wessels, eldest son of a well-established Transvaal Boer family, is betrothed to Truida, a Boer maiden living in the British colony of Natal, and educated in British-governed schools. When England sends over thousands of troops to invade the independent Boer colony of the Orange Free State, causing the Boers of the Transvaal Colony to prepare to invade Natal, the two lovers are confronted by more than a political conflict two loyal hearts separated by loyalty to conflicting causes. The horrors of the war drag both Louis and Truida through heights of joy and depths of despair. How can these two hearts, beating strongly for each other but also strongly for their separate causes, ever be reconciled? On which side is justice to be found? Time: 1899 Age:11-99 ISBN 1-894666-91-7 US$10.95
The Louis Wessels Commando #2 A company of twenty-five horsemen with an officer in command galloped into the yard. They jumped down, fastened their horses to the young fig trees which bordered the broad driveway, and in silence awaited orders from their commanding officer. He carefully scrutinized the terrain and set out five soldiers as watchmen. Five others were ordered to make a thorough search of the barn. Ten were posted at the various exits from the house and with the remaining five the officer entered the livingroom . . . "Do you have a Boer from the Transvaal hiding here?" asked the officer. "If I should deny it, you wouldn't believe me in any case, Lieutenant." Time: 1900 Age:11-99 ISBN 1-894666-92-5 US$10.95
The Scout of Christiaan de Wet by Lawrence Penning The Louis Wessels Commando # 3 It is the year 1900 and the Boer War continues to ravage the South African Free State and Transvaal. The English are relentless in their attacks and pernicious in seeking to achieve political power. But the Afrikaners refuse to submit and continue the struggle to maintain their freedom. Louis Wessels, the young hunter, and the Dutchman Jan Tromp, despite skirting danger, falling into traps, confronting traitors, hiding and escaping, slowly achieve their mission as they transverse the Transvaal as scouts for General Christiaan de Wet. Yet when they are finally trapped with no seeming escape, they meet an old acquaintance. Even though these dedicated Afrikaners are surrounded by the horrors and ravages of war there is time for laughter at Blikoortjes exploits, and time to receive encouragement from loved ones. Still the cry continues to rise to heaven, "How many people will still have to give their lives to restore freedom to South Africa? Will freedom truly be achieved?" Another exiting story from Piet Prinss favourite boyhood author. Time: 1900 Age: 11-99 ISBN 978-1-894666-93-0 US$11.95
The Louis Wessels Commando # 4 The commando of Louis Wessels continues to roam the South African countryside, joining whichever division needs them most. But defeat and loss, ruin and devastation seem to be the order of the day. Blikoortje and Jan Potgieter are captured, Wonderfontein is pillaged and ruined, and the church is desecrated. The ravages of this ghastly war are pressing in on all sides and the reality of total defeat looms large in all its starkness. The English Minister Brodrick had declared in the British parliament that "never but never had a more civilised war been waged!" Yet all the evidence showed the English army to be full of wantonness, lustful pillaging, savagery, destructiveness, and pitiless cruelty towards women, children, and the defenceless. Lawrence Penning gives a close up account of some of the events and issues surrounding the Boer War. The English declared they wanted the gold South Africa offered, but was there more at stake? This book, along with the others in the series, are great aids in coming to grips with the South African conflict in a fascinating manner. Time: 1900 Age: 11-99 ISBN 978-1-894666-94-7 US$11.95
The Louis Wessels Commando # 5 After three years of fighting, the Boer War was nearing its bitter end. Even though the Boer armies seemed defeated by the superior British armed forces, many Boer commandoes refused to give up and continued to strike at the English military. The enemys retaliation was horrible. Systematically the Rednecks combed out the country: farms were burned and the women and children were taken to concentration camps. Malnourished, neglected, and ravaged by Typhus fever, thousands died in those camps. Under the leadership of Louis Wessels, a commando planned a rescue, but with difficulties and traitors abounding, failure and capture were imminent realities. Was escape still possible? Could comfort be found in the words of the field preacher who not only condemned Englands insults and scorn heaped on the Boer entreaties for help, but also entreated his fellow Christians to throw dust and ashes on their heads "for we and our fathers we have sinned grievously! We have erred. We have served alien gods, and now the Lord is visiting us with His scourge." Addressing the Boers, and also the British doctor, the field preacher concluded, "Brothers, let us be silent in this oppression. Let us confess our sins and lift our penitent hearts in prayer to the hills from whence our salvation will come." This last volume of the Louis Wessels Commando series brings the dark reality of the Boer War into stark focus. May the words of the field preacher never need to be addressed to us. Time: 1901-1902 Age: 11-99 ISBN 978-1-894666-95-4 US$11.95
Precious Memories Series In an area surrounded by the big woods of Wisconsin, the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, Walnut Grove and Plum Creek, and the prairies of south Dakota, a new generation of faith settled in to till the earth and subdue it. These were the days of the first automobile, the introduction of electricity, gas furnaces (that had the tendency to explode), and world wars. Carol Brands has depicted a very accurate account of the true story of Katherine, a country girl, whom God in His providence granted the opportunity to pass on precious memories for countless generations to come. It is our task to take up the baton and carry on this wonderful work. You and your children will thoroughly enjoy the stories as they are read out loud, or read in the quiet of a comfortable chair. Perhaps these stories will even inspire an excursion to join many others in visiting places such as Rock Rapids in Iowa, and Leota and Magnolia in Minnesota. Take the time to explore De Smet in South Dakota and Walnut Grove in Minnesota. RELIVE LIVING HISTORY so that children (and their parents too) understand times past to be a blessing in times present - for the glory of God!
A Fictionalized Biography of Katherine Vastenhout Precious Memories: Book 1: The First 10 Years Comments from Readers on Book 1 . . . a wonderful book . . . spiritually uplifting . . . warm human insight and nostalgia . . . delightful reading as I recovered from hip surgery. Id like to order four more copies . . . Middle-aged female reader from OFallen, IL This is no sappy, quasi-Christian literature; this is the real deal. . . the proverbial diamond in the rough . . . I am going to see that the library at Heritage Christian School, where my children are enrolled, has several copies . . . Tom Bergman, editor, Perspectives, Spring issue 2012 . . . One of the finest Christian books Ive read for young people . . . Prof. Ron Cammenga, professor in PRCs seminary, MI If only it could be circulated as widely as Laura Ingalls Wilders Little House on the Prairie. Herman Otten, editor, Christian News, April 16, 2012 Time: 1930-1940 Age: 13-99 978-1-894666-38-1 US$11.95
Carol Brands calls herself primarily a mother. Born the third of sixteen children, Carol was already a mother to her younger brothers and sisters during her adolescent years. After she finished college, Carol continued to work with children, teaching for twelve years. At age thirty, she married and became a mother to her own eight children, four boys and four girls. Once they were all in school, she worked for another twelve years in a local care center. Now she is thrilled to enter the stage of grandmother, anticipating her eleventh grandchild in 2013.
A Fictionalized Biography of Katherine Vastenhout Precious Memories: Book 2: Years Eleven through Seventeen: World War II Years When the Kroontje family moved into their second tiny house, they had no idea that within months of their move Uncle Bill Tilstra would be assigned to the USS Arizona, the first ship Japan bombed in Pearl Harbor. Nor did they know that three of Uncle Bill's ships would be destroyed but that he would be spared from death in ways that were clearly God's providential care . . . yet so horrific that he hated talking about the war. While war loomed in the background, Uncle Bill always on the family's mind, Katherine's farm life continued with a mixture of stories some humorous, some serious, some full of neighborliness, some with tragedy. Join the Kroontje family living daily life on an Iowa farm even while World War II is being fought across the oceans. Time: 1940-1948 Age: 13-99 978-1-894666-39-8 US$11.95
A Fictionalized Biography of Katherine Vastenhout Precious Memories: Book 3: Years Eighteen through Twenty: The Romance Years A new state . . . A new home . . . A new church . . . I am a stranger here, within a foreign land, My home is far away, upon a golden strand . . . When Katherine and her family moved from their tiny home near Rock Rapids, Iowa, to a new home near Magnolia, Minnesota, this is how Katherine felt her first Sunday in a new church. She felt lost, totally bereft of friends and familiarity.What had she and her family done? They had left everything near and dear behindto start completely over! Would she ever be able to fit in? To find friends? To feel like she belonged . . .? Time: 1948-1951 Age: 13-99 978-1-894666-40-4 US$ 11.95
Set of three books US$29.95
The Little Wooden Shoe by W.G. Van De Hulst Read by Amelie Viersen A little wooden shoe is found floating on the water, and suddenly Henrys guilty little secret has stirred up the whole village. If only he had told his father! Now the miller, the policeman, the mayor, and the whole village are involved. Henrys whole world seems to be pointing the finger of shame at him. But the mayor, the policeman, and the miller and his wife have a little secret of their own. A day of shame is turned into a day of celebration!
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Regular Book SCL01 LITTLE WOODEN SHOE - VAN DE HULST, W.G. - 9781928136019 - US$ 6.95
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Through the Thunderstorm by W.G. Van De Hulst Read by Amelie Viersen To go to Grandmothers house, Bob, Betsy, and Benjamin have to go through the woods. In the woods there are unseen eyes on the three children the eyes of the jolly baker, who pulls a trick on them, the eyes of a little bird, which they trap in their basket, and the eyes of a scary old woman, whom they take to be a wicked witch. The children get caught in the woods during a frightful thunderstorm, and they find out about another set of eyes.
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NOTE: When ordering downloads only you still may be charged for postage & handling. However, if charged, we will fully refund the P&H charge. Regular Book SCL02 THROUGH THE THUNDERSTORM - VAN DE HULST, W.G. - 9781928136026 US$6.95
Order the complete download set of all 21 Audio Books or Video Books of the Stories Children Love series by W.G. Van De Hulst and save 20% 12 Audio books and 10 Video Books are now available and we hope soon to have the rest done!
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Vol 1: The Chieftain's Son Wambu is a young aborigine whose family is part of a small and slowly shrinking tribe ruled by a witch doctor. Subject: Mission / Fiction Age: 10-99 ISBN 0-88815-786-X US$12.90 Vol.
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Wambu learns more about Jesus, but the mystery and magic of the old witchcraft die hard in the boy's heart. Subject: Mission / Fiction Age: 10-99 ISBN 0-88815-788-6 US$10.95
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