Jack Whytock in Christian Observer: . . . this book is most helpful particularly I believe for Presbyterians to take time and read. . . the remainder of Where Everything Points to Him is basically an analysis and commentary on the constituting elements in worship in these Reformed Churches. It certainly makes for some interesting and edifying reading. . . I encourage a wide audience of our readers to study this book. Subject: Liturgy Age: 16-99 ISBN 0-921100-39-6 US$10.90 |
The author deals with the history of the Book of Praise, Anglo-Genevan Psalter and with the history of Reformed Psalters and liturgies from the early church till today. Subject: Liturgy / Psalter Age: 16-99 ISBN 0-921100-52-3 US$15.95 |
A book for all who serve, not only ministers and elders but also as regular members of the church. Subject: Pastoral Theology / Liturgy Age: 18-99 ISBN 0-88756-048-2 US$13.45 |
Readings in Reformed Church Polity The aim of this book is to set forth the Scriptural principles of Reformed church polity. Considering the paucity of material on Reformed church government, it fills a critical gap in ecclesiastical literature today. It is also designed to assist in answering many questions concerning the proper order of church government and the role of major assemblies in Reformed church government. The articles will assist churches grappling with the issues of independence and hierarchical government to implement patterns of order that model Biblical teaching. Subject: Church Polity Age: 18-99 ISBN 0-88756-061-X US$11.50 |
This book is an attempt to draw out from the Bible how the Lord would have His Church be governed. Through a process of detailed Scripture study, the author concludes that the historic Church Order of Dort encapsulates God's revealed wish for how matters ought to be done in His Churches. As the ecclesiastical scene moves and changes, churches do well to look at the Scriptures behind Dort and apply the principles of Reformed Church Polity with renewed enthusiasm. Subject: Church Polity Age: 16-99 ISBN 0-88756-079-2 US$16.00 |
A practical guide to the use of the Church Order of the Canadian Reformed Churches. The conditions for living together in one federation as formulated by the Synod of Dordrecht 1618-1619 stood for almost two centuries. It is, therefore, customary to speak of the Church Order of Dordrecht. May it suffice to state that our present Church Order is still essentially the same as the one adopted in Dordrecht, even though changes had to be made in the course of the years. Subject: Church Order Age: 16-99 ISBN 0-88756-050-4 US$22.00 |
No Christian can observe and study life and the world in which we live without seeing that God loves order. The seasons of the year, our own bodies, and all things created tell us, in spite of the mars and scars of sin, that the great Creator of all things is a God of order. The Bible, Gods special revelation, tells us the same thing emphatically. Now God is ever true to Himself. Sublime harmony and order mark His triune being. Consequently God can do nothing in a haphazard, slipshod fashion. That would militate against His very essence. That would be ruinous in its effect upon His creation. For these reasons the Church at Corinth is also admonished: "But let all things be done decently and in order." (I Cor. 14:40.) And it is for the maintenance of good order in the Church of Christ, and for the promotion of its true welfare, that "offices, assemblies, supervision of doctrine, sacraments and ceremonies, and Christian discipline," have been instituted. For these same reasons our fathers of Reformation days accepted a limited set of rules regulating these several matters. These rules comprise our Church Order. By maintaining well organized Churches with their, "offices, assemblies, etc." we vary definitely from certain mystical, inner-light groups who neglect all these important matters and even stand opposed to them. Our fathers definitely disagreed with the Anabaptists of the sixteenth century on this score, and felt persuaded by Holy Writ to sponsor well organized Churches. Subject: Reformed Churches Age: 18-99 ISBN 978-1-77298-106-3 US$23.90
What, then, is the specific essence, character, and form of Reformed liturgy? It is COVENANTAL. Rev. Van Dooren ends the introduction of this book with the following paragraph: We conclude with another quotation from C. Trimp, p. 12: Liturgical questions demanded the attention of the re-formed Churches even before Creeds and a Catechism. It was in her re-formed liturgy that the re-formed Churches presented themselves to the world, also the world of the false church. Subject: Liturgy Age: 15-99 ISBN 0-88756-023-7 US$8.50 |
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