No Greater Joy
issue 6:
Piet Prins books have made thousands of boys into readers. Young and Old still enjoy his stories, of which about half have been published into English. If you or your children are on a plane or have a rainy day at the cottage, time will fly by with a book by Piet Prins.
(pen name for Pieter Jongeling 1909-1985)?
Mr. Jongeling was born in the northern part of The Netherlands and studied to become a teacher. He indeed did teach for some years, but soon became the international correspondent of a Dutch newspaper. In 1942 he was arrested by the Germans and sent to a concentration camp. After the allied victory in 1945 he returned to The Netherlands and became one of the most important journalists and politicians in The Netherlands.
For many years he was the editor of a Reformed Christian daily newspaper, in which he wrote most of his childrens books as serials under the name Piet Prins. The first thing many people read when the newspaper arrived were these serials. I vividly remember discussing the story before Catechism. Even the churchs caretaker took part in the lively discussion. This made us wait even more anxiously for the next installment.
In 1963 Mr. Jongeling became member of the Dutch parliament for the Reformed Political Alliance. One commentator mused: "What makes Jongeling such a remarkable parliamentarian? Thats simple. The man works like a horse! He is always fully informed. When Jongeling speaks, the house listens."
Though he was the only representative of his party for eight years, his one voice often accomplished more than the combined voices of 10 or 20 members of the larger parties.
Both as a journalist and as a statesman, Pieter Jongeling knew himself bound by the inspired Word of God and as such his labour has born much fruit.
Recently we obtained all the left over books of Piet Prins, W.G. VandeHulst (Sr. & Jr.), Meindert de Jong, K. Norel and Coen Hartman that Paideia Press published in the 1980s. Another exciting development is that Mr. Hultink graciously donated many unpublished translated manuscripts for us to publish. So DV there are more titles of Piet Prins, VandeHulst, and Norel coming!
These titles include one of my most favourite Piet Prins books: The Curse of Urumbu, the first one in the Sheltie series.
the Explorer
by K. Norel
Zarco signs on as mate apprentice aboard the fleet of Bartholomew Diaz who discovers the Cape of Good Hope. Under Vasco da Gama, Zarco later sails to India. Norel was one of Hollands best-loved authors of historical fiction.
Time: 1441 - 1502 Age: 12-99
ISBN 0-88815-877-7 US$10.90
Big Goose and the Little White Duck
by Meindert De Jong
This story of how the goose became a hero and earned a permanent place on the farm for himself and his friend the duck is full of warmth, humor, and insight.
Subject: Fiction Age: 7-99
ISBN 0-88815-863-7 US$13.90
Dirks Dog Bello
by Meindert De Jong
The stormy day an English ship broke up in the terrible waters of Wicked Wife, Dirk rescued the Great Dane,
Bello. After that, by the law of the sea, the giant dog belonged to him. But Dirk's family was poor. And Dirk was suddenly faced with the enormous problem of how to feed Bello. A rare and moving book, full of humor and reality.
Subject: Fiction Age: 10-99
ISBN 0-88815-860-2 US$12.90
Far Out the Long Canal
by Meindert Dejong
When the ice finally came to the ditches and canals, Moonta was afire with enthusiasm, not only to learn how to skate, but to let his skates lead him to adventure. And when he heard of something called the New Churchs Pipe, far out the long canal, he was determined to find it at any risk.
Subject: Fiction Age: 10-99
ISBN 0-88815-861-1 US$10.90
Smoke above the Lane by Meindert De
How could the little baby skunk have known that by falling asleep on the streetcar tracks on Main Street he would cause a traffic jam unequaled in the history of the village?
Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99
ISBN 0-88815-862-9 US$8.95
and his Friends
by W.G. Van De Hulst
Pierre, sick and confined to bed, cannot play with other children. But what about those boys who have come into the quiet canal, shattering Pierres peaceful routine? A classic from a master storyteller!
Subject: Fiction (World War I) Age: 9-99
ISBN 0-88815-756-8 US$11.90
The Mystery of Old Abe by W.G. Van de
Abe is an angry old man who carries in his heart the secret pain of his daughters and grandchilds death. The nosy boys are afraid of Old Abe, but they do dare to tease the old man. But why is Abe angry with the boys and what is he going to do with Cindy?
Subject: Fiction Age: 8-99
ISBN 0-88815-755-X US$10.90
The Black Phantom of Ravenhurst
by Willem G. Van der Hulst Jr.
Was the driver of the cart full of branches really asleep or was he only pretending? How could that black figure vanish from the mill without leaving tracks in the snow?
Subject: Fiction Age: 8-99
ISBN 0-88815-547-6 US$10.90
S.O.S. by K. Norel
A native of Terschelling, a Dutch North Sea island, the boy Dirk dreams of going to sea as his father, a merchant mariner, has done. When he finishes grade school, Dirk signs on as bottle washer aboard the Sea Dog, his uncles tugboat.
Subject: Fiction Age: 11-99
ISBN 0-88815-876-9 US$10.90
Secret Code by Coen Hartman
Hank and Dick are two teenagers who accidentally get mixed up with a narcotics ring. When they intercept a coded message destined for a distributor doubling as a grocer, they become caught in a web of crime and intrigue.
Subject: Fiction Age: 11-99
Paperback ISBN 0-88815-853-X US$10.90
Cloth ISBN 0-88815-852-1 US$11.90
Four Adventurers Series
The Evil Professor
by Piet Prins
Four high school boys spend their summer vacation touring the country in a horse-drawn carriage. A run-in with a dark, sinister carnival shyster is only the beginning of suspense and adventure.
Subject: Fiction Age: 10-99
ISBN 0-88815-821-1 US$10.90
Cloth ISBN 0-88815-820-3 US$11.90
The Mystery of the Three-Fingered Villain by Piet Prins
The detective work of Paul, Roger, Herb, and Eddie leads to a desperate cross-country chase to rescue their old friend Skippy from the three-fingered villain.
Subject: Fiction Age: 10-99
ISBN 0-88815-823-8 US$10.90
Cloth ISBN 0-88815-822-X US$11.90
Kevin, Run! by Piet Prins
Orphaned and feeling shipwrecked, Kevin Robbins ends up with relatives. Unable to make adjustments, Kevin "cops out" by running away to his home town. He is adopted by two crooks who insist on "protecting" him from the police.
Subject: Fiction Age: 10-99
ISBN 0-88815-837-7 US$10.90
Cloth ISBN 0-88815-836-X US$11.90
Curse of Urumbu by Piet Prins
Jack kills a wallaby, not knowing he has thereby violated an aboriginal taboo. The tribe's witch doctor pronounces a curse on Jack and the hunt is on.
Subject: Fiction Age: 9-99
PB ISBN 0-88815-807-6 US$10.90
CLOTH ISBN 0-88815-806-8 - US$ 11.90
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