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The First Campaign of Arnold
Viersen by Ronald Van Reest will be available at 25% discount till
December 31, 2017
until the first printing is sold out)
CAD$9.95 US$7.90
US$ 7.90
(5.90 till December 31, 2017)
Dear Friends,
On Monday, December 4, 2017 in a
session of parliament, the Australian MP Tim Wilson publicly
proposed to marry Ryan Bolger, his partner of seven years.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017, was
a black day in Canadas history. On behalf of all Canadians
the Prime Minister Trudeau apologized to members of the LGBT
community who were ex-members of the Federal Service for all the
injustice done to them. He said to them, "You served your
country with integrity and courage; you are professionals; you
are patriots; and, above all: you are innocent. For all your
suffering you deserve justice; you deserve peace."
In both of these cases we see
rulers resisting Gods good laws, declaring innocent whom
God condemns. Sometimes we do not know how to respond. It is very
important to take to heart an important message of Klaas
Schilder, written 80 years ago, translated and read aloud for
you. Please Click Here to listen to or Right Click
Here to download it.
That link also gives you easy
order information etc. and the relevant text of this email.
New. . . New. . . New. . . VAN DE HULST, W.G. SCL01 LITTLE WOODEN SHOE
The complete text on 48 large (8" x
10.25") pages in full color!
A little wooden shoe is found floating
on the water, and suddenly Henrys guilty little
secret has stirred up the whole village. If only he had
told his father! Now the miller, the policeman, the
mayor, and the whole village are involved. Henrys
whole world seems to be pointing the finger of shame at
him. But the mayor, the policeman, and the miller and his
wife have a little secret of their own. A day of shame is
turned into a day of celebration!
(limited copies
available. DV more coming in 2018)!
CAD$27.95 US$17.90
US$ 17.90
All 21 books,
reprinted in 2014, are still available, as listed below,
as well as Audio and Video Books of some titles.
By Gods grace I
personally believe I have done very little active injustice to
the LGBT community. Perhaps I should have been more active in
promoting the books by Rosaria Butterfield. She wrote The Secret Thoughts
of an Unlikely Convert and Openness Unhindered. Rosaria, an ex-lesbian, is perfectly
right when, in passing, she also stresses the importance of
singing Psalms.
We are pleased to
announce that our new Canadian website is working.
On Wednesday, December 13, 2017,
we published The
First Campaign of Arnold Viersen by Ronald Van Reest. The authors wish is to mobilize
more solid Christian people to follow in the steps of Arnold.
Arnold became an MP two years ago. It is unfortunate that
Lawrence Toet was not re-elected in 2015, but hopefully he will
be in two years. In the mean time Arnolds cousin was
elected as MPP in Ontario and James Teitsma as MLA in Manitoba.
May God also bless Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence.
Perhaps these are clouds as a
mans hand, but we may be certain God is at work!
Wylies History of Protestantism is nearly ready for the printer. Two volunteer
proofreaders need time to do the final reading. Please note that
the pre-publication price ends on January 1, 2018. This is one of
the best "Reformation Packages" for you and your
family. The Canadian price may fluctuate, likely more up than
down, as long as Mr. Trudeau is in control.
May the Lord bless you!
Roelof A. Janssen
3317 TWP RD 624
Tel. 780-674-3949
. . . showing to
the generation to come the praises of the LORD . . . (Ps. 78:4b)
YBH13 The First Campaign of
Arnold Viersen by Ronald Van Reest
"It sure feels good,"
said Arnold, "driving an old car to start my first campaign.
Thats how many politicians have done it."
"Indeed," said Ronald,
thinking of a story about the well-known preacher, Robert
Schuller of Crystal Cathedral in California. Apparently, Rev.
Schuller and his wife had begun their ministry, travelling in an
old Volkswagenbus. They would park it at a street corner and he
preached from the roof of the bus. Rev. Schuller was not known
for orthodoxy, but his humble beginnings were certainly worthy of
"So this is your
first campaign trip?"
"Yes, apart from going door
to door. I have signed up more than two hundred people locally.
But several hundred more will be needed in order to win the
nomination. Tony Van Pater said that if he had had three hundred
more supporters, he would have won his nomination."
Time: 2015 Age:
12-99 ISBN 978-1-77298-034-9
CAD$9.95 US$7.90
US$ 7.90
(5.90 till December 31, 2017)
The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert
and Openness
Unhindered by Rosaria Butterfield are two of the MOST IMPORTANT books.
Rosaria, an ex-lesbian, is perfectly right when, in passing, she
also stresses the importance of singing Psalms.
US$ 13.00
US$ 13.00

Gold, Frankincense,
and Myrrh
Meditations on the Bible
by Klaas
"For whoever has, to him
more will be given." For this reason the wise men came to
honour the King with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But that was
only at the hour of promise. Promises are not expensive. Yet, how
God tested them when they found the Child! There was no throne
for Him. And there were no people either. Their star did not rest
above a palace. Then in their hearts they thought of
another truth, "Whoever does not have, even what he has will
be taken away." They would not have said it in these words,
yet the question would have burned in their hearts, "Should
we take the treasures back again? The King is not what we dreamt
. . ." But God overcame them: they truly opened their
treasure bags for Him and all was indeed for Him! The wise men
understood that it is easy to imagine giving gifts to a
Lord of our imagination, but it is difficult to give treasures to
a King who makes no effort to be as we considered Him to be.
from the meditation of
January 1
4 volumes
CAD$49.95 US$39.95

& Audio books

to order the
E-Book email us at and put
E-Book of all 4 volumes Gold,
Frankincense, and Myrrh by Klaas Schilder
in the subject

to order
the Audio Book email us at and put
Audio Book of all 4 volumes Gold, Frankincense,
and Myrrh
by Klaas Schilder
in the subject

Audio Book on
24 Compact Discs US$59.95
DVD-ROM with MP3 Files
& Ebooks
both the English and Dutch editions of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh
met zowel de Nederlandse
en Engelse edities van Goud,
Wierook en Myrrhe
by / door
More than 60hours of
Biblical education on more than 800 audio files
(includes also all
complete articles on MP3 files -- undivided -- of the longer
mediatations that are divided for the daily meditations)

Meditations are read in Dutch and English by Roelof A. Janssen
Includes Schilders
own voice in the Dutch edition of Your
Ecumenical Task
Heeft ook een MP3 versie
van de originele toespraak van Klaas Schilder
Uw Oecumenische Taak,
zoals uitgezonden in 1951 op de Radio
FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 1 - 9781894666848 - US$ 11.95

GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 2 - 9781894666855 - US$ 11.95
FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 3 - 9781894666862 - US$ 11.95
FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH - VOL. 4 - 9781894666879 - US$ 11.95
CD Your Ecumenical Task
by Klaas
read by Roelof A Janssen
Translated from the
Dutch into English. The original Dutch version is also
available on CD and included on both the above-mentioned
DVD and the DVD with PDF files of De Reformatie.
. . . so good, so
encouraging, so Scriptural,
the best speech
Ive ever heard.
click here for 
Also included on
& Princes and Nobles
by Klaas
In the
Fall of 2017 we sent several emails about the
History of Protestantism. To keep relevant
information on hand we have copied that below.
October: Please
enjoy, and increase your greatest joy, with the
following excerpt from

It is partly
from the pages 492 and 493 of vol. 3 of The History of Protestantism by J.A. Wylie about the First Sermon of John
Knox at St. Andrews.
. . . Duped by
the queen, they had stood quietly by and
witnessed these irreparable sacrifices. The
reform promised them was as far off as ever.
Abbot, bishop, and cowled monk were lifting up
the head higher than before. A French army had
been brought into the country, and the
independence and liberties of Scotland were
menaced. [Memoirs of Sir James Melvil, p.
49; Edinburgh, 1735.] This was all the Reformers
had reaped by giving ear to the delusive words of
Mary of Guise. While other countries had
established their Reformation Scotland lingered
on the threshold, and now it found itself in
danger of losing not only its Reformation, but
its very nationality. The lords of the
Congregation, therefore, resolved to set up the
Reformed worship at once in all those places to
which their authority extended, and where a
majority of the inhabitants were favourable to
the design. [MCrie, Life of Knox,
vol. i, pp. 264, 265.]
A commencement
was to be made in the ecclesiastical metropolis
of Scotland. The Earl of Argyle and Lord James
Stuart, Prior of St. Andrews, arranged with Knox
to meet in that city on an early day in June, and
inaugurate there the Protestant worship. The
archbishop, informed of Knoxs coming,
hastened in from Falkland with 100 spears, and
sent a message to him on Saturday night, that if
he dared to appear in the pulpit of the cathedral
tomorrow, he would cause his soldiers to shoot
him dead. The lords, having consulted, agreed
that Knox should forego the idea of preaching.
The resolution seemed a prudent one. The
dispositions of the townspeople were unknown; the
lords had but few retainers with them; the queen,
with her French army, was not more than fifteen
miles off; and to preach might be to give the
signal for bloodshed. Knox, who felt that to
abandon a great design when the moment for
putting it in execution had arrived, and retire
before an angry threat, was to incur the loss of
prestige, and invite greater attacks in future,
refused for one moment to entertain the idea of
not preaching. He said that when lying out in the
Bay of St. Andrews in former years, chained to
the deck of a French galley, his eye had lighted
on the roof of the cathedral, which the
suns rays at that moment illuminated, and
he said in the hearing of some still alive, that
he felt assured that he should yet preach there
before closing his career; and now when God,
contrary to the expectations of all men, had
brought him back to this city, he besought them
not to hinder what was not only his cherished
wish, but the deep-rooted conviction of his
heart. He desired neither the hand nor weapon of
man to defend him; He whose glory he sought would
be his shield. "I only crave audience,"
said he, "which, if it be denied here unto
me at this time, I must seek where I may have
it." [Laing, Knox, vol. i, pp.
The intrepidity
of Knox saved the Reformation from the brand of
timidity which the counsel of the lords, had it
been followed, would have brought upon it. It was
a display of courage at the right time, and was
rewarded with a career of success. On the morrow
Knox preached to perhaps the most influential
audience that the Scotland of that day could
furnish; nobles, priests, and townspeople
crowding to hear him. Every part of the vast
edifice was filled, and not a finger was lifted,
nor a word uttered, to stop him. He preached on
the cleansing of the Temple of old, picturing the
crowd of buyers and sellers who were busy
trafficking in that holy place, when One entered,
whose awful glance, rather than the scourge of
cords which he carried, smote with terror the
unholy crew, and drove them forth a
panic-stricken crowd. The preacher then called up
before his hearers a yet greater crowd of
traffickers, occupied in a yet unholier
merchandise, therewith defiling, with
immeasurably greater pollutions and abominations,
the New Testament temple. As he described the
corruptions which had been introduced into the
Church under the Papacy the great crowd of
simonists, pardon-mongers, sellers of relics and
charms, exorcists, and traffickers in the bodies
and souls of men, with the sin and shame and ruin
that followed his eye began to burn, his
words grew graphic and trenchant, the tones of
his righteous yet terrible reproof rung out
louder and fiercer, and rolled over the heads of
the thousands gathered around him, till not a
heart but quailed under the solemn denunciations.
It seemed as if past ages were coming up for
trial; as if mitred abbots and bishops were
leaving their marble tombs to stand at the
judgment-seat; as if the voices of Hamilton, and
Wishart, and Mill no, as if the voice of a
yet Greater were making itself audible by the
lips of the preacher. The audience saw as they
had never done before the superstitions which had
been practised as religion, and felt the duty to
comply with the call which the Reformer urged on
all, according to the station and opportunity of
each, to assist in removing these abominations
out of the Church of God before the fire of the
Divine wrath should descend and consume what man
refused to put away. When he had ended, and sat
down, it may be said that Scotland was reformed.
* * *
So far this
quote. I was tempted to also quote from page 509,
but believe everybody should get the books and
read them all the way. You can hardly do yourself
and your descendants a greater favour, and you
will hardly receive a "greater joy."
I also was
planning write more about the Luther books but
that will have to wait till the next NGJ letter.
By that time it will be too late for the reader
to get the best price on The History of
September 2017:  Before I draw your
attention to four new books by Deborah Alcock I
invite you to read one of the very interesting
responses we had to our last email about the New
hard cover edition of J.A. Wylie's History of
GMC wrote:
That is
encouraging to know, I came across this set many
years ago in both a two and three volume set,
both the same contents, I reprinted them in 1985
and again in1991 but was not able to reprint
after that.
We launched the
reprint in 1985 in the martyrs memorial Free
Presbyterian Church Belfast and sold nearly 100
sets. During his sermon Dr Paisley said, "I
recall as a boy of six my father taking me into
his study and pulling out these great volumes,
and saying: Son you cant read them now but
I want you to look at the pictures. As I looked
through those pages and saw the Martyrs at the
stake, the burning of the Bibles, the torture
chambers of the inquisition, the Reformers
preaching the Word and sealing their testimony
with their lifes blood, there started in my
heart a holy hatred of the pernicious system of
Romanism-a system which takes away mans
right of free access to God, and robs him of the
free gift of Gods salvation, which is
without money and without price. Rome would pile
obstacles in the way of direct contact between
the souls of men and God. Thank God we need
neither priest or pope, saints or beads, for
Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between God and
"These are
not dry, historical volumes- the Reformers step
right out of the pages and you feel you want to
shake hands with Martin Luther and stroke John
Knoxs beard, as they fearlessly and
earnestly contend for the faith."
I trust you have
the same response as we had 32 years ago.
 So far
the email we received. Thank you Mr. GMC!
Do yourself, your children, and
your grandchildren a great service and order
these books for them!
The special price will expire
before you know it!
* * *
are pleased to announce
four new books
Deborah Alcock in the Reformation Trail
Series, three of them about Scotland. The fourth
is about South America.
August, 2017: The greatest monument of
the Reformation is J.A. Wylies History of
Protestantism. It is like a story bible on Church
History. It was originally published in the 19th
century with hundreds of beautiful illustrations
(which children will love to colour!).
We have been
working hard to get it back in print before
October 31, 2017. However, since we are slightly
updating the language it will D.V. be January
2018 before it is printed.
This is a book
that fathers (and mothers) will love to read to
their children for at least three reasons:
1. It is
2. It stimulates
him in his service to God.
3. Children age
6 and up will also enjoy it very much.
Save 33% or more by ordering before
October 31, 2017.Get free shipping if you order 3
or more sets .
Order 10 sets
and you will get an additional set free of
Talk to your
friends, forward this email to them, or put these
books on your facebook page.
Christian Schools can use this as
a fundraiser
and receive regular wholesale
on the special price
(just like book stores and other
retail outlets).
older NGJ editions please go to the bottom of this page)
Special Package
Sets at 15-20% discount
mail to with questions or
comments about this web site.
Greater Joy
Issue 2: September 20, 2016
Issue 3: November 7, 2016
Issue 4: December 2, 2016
Issue 5: May 8, 2017
Issue 6: July 8, 2017
Issue 7: December 12, 2017
Links for free audio books
No Greater Joy - Dedication to
Mr. Donald Trump
No Greater Joy -
Chris Pinto DVDs on the Bible
modified: December 26, 2017